God Loves Homosexuals

I’ve been fighting with this post in my head for a long time now. I know that some of you are going to be angry at what I have to say here but I am sick and tired of the hatred that I see in so called Christians toward the homosexual community.

Let’s get one thing straight; God loves homosexuals just as much as He loves anyone else. Now I am not saying that a homosexual lifestyle is not a sin. I do believe that this lifestyle is a sin in the eyes of God; I think the Bible is pretty clear on this. But here is the thing; God does not view any one sin greater than another. That lie you told yesterday in no more of a sin than a homosexuals lifestyle choices.

I know that sin separates us from God. But here is something else; Jesus’ sacrifice tore the veil. Our sin no longer separates us from God. Once we accept the gift of salvation the blood of Jesus covers our sins. That means the one’s we committed in the past and the ones we will commit in the future.

I would hate to believe that every time I sin I need to get “resaved.” I think that is ridiculous. I would spend more time in my day asking for forgiveness and reaccepting Christ into my life than anything else. I would be too busy trying to secure my place in heaven than I would be working for the good of The Kingdom, and that is stupid. Christ’s sacrifice covers me. I am saved through His blood and I believe that with all of my being.

Now I am not saying that you should go out and sin all you want once you are saved. No. I don’t believe that this is how it works. I don’t wake up in the morning and decide that I’m going to steal today, lie today, cheat today, and even have sex outside of marriage today. No. That is not how I operate and it’s not how you should operate either.

You see I believe that when you truly accept Jesus’ sacrifice and becoming born again it changes you. You no longer want to live a life of sin. You don’t want to be the way you are. You want to live a life for God. But that doesn’t mean all of your sinful ways are going to disappear overnight. No, that is not how it works. You have to work at it.

I know an alcoholic that is serving God right now. He struggles so much with his drinking problem. I see him beat himself up over and over again because he can’t seem to put down that drink in his hand. He has given this problem to God and fights everyday not to drink and for some reason unknown he just can’t seem to beat his addiction. Does that mean that he isn’t saved and is going to hell? It most certainly does not! I believe that God loves him and sees his struggle and pain. God forgives him every time he messes up because he is covered by the blood. But the point here is he doesn’t want to be the way he is. He prays and puts his efforts toward recovering and I believe that this is what matters.

Now there is a gene that some of us have that can make us more vulnerable to addictions. We are born this way. Some people develop addictions because of this gene and the vulnerability that it causes. They were born this way. And I believe that homosexuals are born the way that they are. They do not choose to be the way that they are. I have seen many of them struggle in their sexuality and pray and cry out to God for change but their genetics are against them. They don’t want to be the way they are. That doesn’t mean that they should go and live a sinful lifestyle though.

I know I am hitting at a touchy subject here but this is what I truly believe. I don’t think that homosexuals want to be homosexual. I believe that if they really look inside themselves they really would have to admit that they want to be “normal.” (I use the word normal very loosely here because I do not really believe that there is any such thing as normal.) I don’t believe that they woke up one morning and said “Hey, I am going to be a homosexual. I am going to face all the ridicule and hatred that comes with this decision happily.” No, I don’t believe than anyone that is a homosexual thought that.

I believe that there are homosexual Christians. I believe that these people live the way they do with a heavy heart. They pray out to God to change them and hope that it will happen but when it doesn’t happen that doesn’t mean they are going straight hell. I believe that a true born again homosexual wants to live a life that reflects Jesus but, in a since, just like the alcoholic I know, they just can’t help it. Their heart probably breaks inside when they really think about the way they are. And I pray for these people. I pray for their deliverance just as I pray for my own deliverance with the issues I deal with.

So with that said God loves homosexuals. The last thing I want to tell you is that I believe that some of these people that truly love God and desire to be like Him will be in heaven. I believe that one day me and some of the best people I know that struggle with their sexuality in this way will both walk the streets of gold.

I hope that those of you who are homosexual will think about this and see the truth of the matter. And I hope that those of you who are not homosexual will see the truth I tell and really pray for these people and show them as much love and care as you would anyone else. We are all sinners but the blood of Jesus has torn the veil. Through his sacrifice we are all redeemed.

I love you all, Randi


  1. Shalonda Wilburn11/01/2013

    Preach it! lol I totally agree.


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