The Beginning

I started this blog in July of 2013. It's only been months since I started this and it's already grown into more than I thought it would be. I started it with the intention of it being a ministry to others. I don't think God ever intended us to keep our stories private. I believe each of us has a story to tell and when we share it we give others the opportunity to learn from us...from our failures and our successes. I love hearing people tell their stories, so I decided to start sharing mine. The strangest thing I've learned so far is that there are actually some people out there that want to hear what I have to say.

I have also learned that this is good for me too. It's not just a ministry to others but a ministry to myself. It allows me to get what's going on inside of me out. It gives me a way to communicate with people, when I often times find it easier to keep quiet.

But this isn't a blog for the light of heart. Just like all of you there is some darkness inside of me...but it's in my darkness that I find the light. So read on...explore what I have up here. There's a lot to read. There's poetry, short stories and memoir-like pieces about my experiences with mental health problems and abuse. And don't be afraid to share your story with me. I love to hear what people have to say. I look at every conversation with someone as an opportunity to learn. So leave your comments, talk back to me and enjoy this journey with me that I call Finding Life.


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