
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.”
-Maya Angelou

"I write only because there is a voice within me that will not be still."
-Sylvia Plath

"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world."
-Robin Williams

Finding Beauty

I do this thing were I call my friends beautiful. Sometimes I text them just so I can tell them they’re beautiful. I say: “Hey beautiful, how’s your day going?” I do it because in today’s society sometimes we forget that we are beautiful. I listen to my friends complain about the weight they’ve put on since high school, how their eyebrows look, how their face breaks out, how their hair wouldn’t lay flat today and I just can’t help but laugh sometimes. To me none of that matters. Sometimes when I tell them they’re beautiful they laugh and say something to the effect of “I didn’t even try today.” I always laugh back and reinforce what I just told them. Sometimes I tell people how pretty their hair is and they tell me all they did is brush it today. My point here is that I find people beautiful.

Now I’m not saying I’ve never seen someone and thought: “You hit every branch on the way down from the ugly tree,” but after I think it (or sometimes say it to whomever I’m with) I feel bad. I feel bad because I know that God thinks they're beautiful. I prayed a long time ago that I would be able to see people and the world for the beautiful creation that they are/it is. Even though I think I do this better than some, I still fail. I’m human and sometimes I don’t quite hit the target. But I’m trying.

But here’s the thing: sometimes I miss the beauty in myself. I see the numbers on the scale and I feel fat and ugly. I realize that I haven’t gone on a date since high school and I think that it’s because I’m just not attractive. I’m sharing this insecurity with you guys because I think this is something we all struggle with. Not the no dating thing, but the failing to find our own beauty. I pray that God would help me see the beauty of the world and its inhabitants, but I failed to include myself in this prayer. So a month or so ago I decided to start trying to find beauty in myself. I started taking care of myself better. I try and wear cute clothes, makeup, fix my hair and smell good, and it’s amazing the difference it makes.

So this is my challenge to you: pray that God will help you see how beautiful all of his creation is, including the people that we typically find unattractive. And then pray that God would help you see your own beauty. I think if we can start to focus on the beauty of His creation we would be much better people. So have a great day and tell somebody and yourself “you’re beautiful.”

Love, Randi

Being Thankful

It’s a beautiful Sunday afternoon and I thought I would write a bit of a fun post. So many times I get up here and I share the hard stuff…the things that are difficult to share and things that I write to reach out to you guys and let some of you know you’re not alone. Well today I thought I would give you guys a little list of some simple things I’m thankful for:

  • The smell of books. I confess…I’m a book sniffer…I love to crack open a new or used book and take a whiff. It’s a peaceful and soothing smell to me. I would love to bottle the smell and spray it on things just so I can smell it all the time.

  • Cedar chips. My dogs lay on a bed of cedar chips in their dog houses and it keeps them warm and helps with fleas and ticks, but I love the way they smell when they’re fresh out of the dog house. I will actually burry my face in their fur and smell them…yes I am actually sniffing a dog…don’t judge me.

  • The feel of the wind in my hair when I’m driving down the highway. There is nothing quite like rolling the windows down and letting the fresh, cool air flow over you.

  • Smiles. I love to see people smile. Often times I smile at people just to see them return the smile. It’s funny how people will look at you weird and then return your smile…even if they don’t know you. Try it sometime…it’s fun.

  • Ticking clocks or watches. This is a strange one but I like the sound of a ticking clock. It centers me. When I hear a clock ticking it’s like everything else disappears and I just hear that steady tic-toc. It’s peaceful.

  • Cinnamon Icebreakers. If you haven’t figured this out yet, I’m very sensitive to smells and sometimes certain smells overwhelm me and make me feel sick. I have discovered that if I pop in a cinnamon icebreaker I won’t smell or taste anything but the cinnamon, and it’s actually become a soothing taste.

  • And lastly I’m thankful for laughter. Sometimes I just start laughing for no reason…even if it’s a fake laugh, I laugh. In fact a fake laugh will often turn into a real laugh once you get going, and laughter truly is like a medicine.

So be thankful for the little things today. The things you can’t buy…the things that you usually take for granted. For today, just be thankful. What are you thankful for?

Love, Randi


Abuse rips you apart inside. I know. I won’t give you all the details, but I know. I know what it’s like to feel powerless and hopeless…to have no control over what is happening to you. I know what it’s like to go to school and wonder if you should tell someone…or to sit with mom and dad at the dinner table and wonder if you should speak up. Because you know what’s happening is wrong, but you’re scared that you’re the one whose wrong…whose gonna be in trouble. And the unfortunate truth is that because of the way the legal system works often times it does feel like you are the one in trouble when you finally do have the courage to speak up. I never spoke up while it was happening and I have my regrets about that, but my experiences with domestic violence and sexual assault advocacy actually make me kind of glad that I didn’t. The law is so consumed with the rights of the perpetrator that the victim is generally the one who suffers the most. I understand the need to protect the perpetrator, but what is the cost of these kinds of actions.

When I did my internship at My Sister’s House, I sat down in the office and read case files on my first and second day there. It infuriated me and broke my heart to read the files of men and women who were beaten, battered, raped and tormented and then they drop the charges because of all the things the perpetrator was saying in defense of him or herself.

Downton Abbey this season has a character that I really like that was raped in the first episode of the season. She decides against going to the authorities and the person watching it with me is fussing about how the man could hurt someone else if she doesn’t tell. And I’m sitting there watching it and I feel like I’m on fire…like I’m burning alive as my mind plays tricks on me on how many other victims there have been since me because I haven’t spoken up. But even though I hurt thinking of these other people, I just don’t have the courage to do it. I have a lot of reasons but the biggest one is that I don’t want to end up like the people in those case files I read…those people were hurt again by seeking justice and I am so tired of hurting. So I sit there every Sunday night watching that show and thinking about how many other people are out there that have been hurt because I don’t have that kind of strength in me.

I follow the lives of two of the people that hurt me. Their lives are messed up. I can see them hurting as I read their latest status updates and see their latest uploads. Their lives are consumed by their pain and I know that someone most likely hurt them along the road and that this is part of the reason why they hurt me. That doesn’t excuse them. They hurt me, but I haven’t hurt anyone…and I never will.

I’m shaking as I type these things because I know that I’m putting this out there for the world to see. I don’t know what you guys will think of me once you read this. Actually, I don’t know what you guys think of me as is, with me having bipolar disorder and borderline tendencies, but now I’m putting this out there. I’ve been hurt…a lot…more than I care to tell anyone, but I’m healing. The nightmares are still there though, but I’m getting better with self-soothing. And being around people is difficult. I don’t like there to be a lot of people, loud noises or closeness…it feels unsafe to me. But I’m getting better.

I made a friend while I was in the hospital. She is the first friend I’ve had that has been through something similar to what I have been through. She’s awesome. She has strength that I can only dream about and even though we are just starting to know one another I already admire her. She told her family the entire truth of her past and even confronted her abuser…I couldn’t be prouder to call her my friend. I don’t know if I will ever confront any of my abusers. They know who they are and they know what they have done…I really want to leave the rest up to God, for now anyways. I don’t know if this is the right answer or anything, but it’s all I can handle for now.

So I’m making a list of goals that I want to reach:

  • I want to practice mindful breathing without it making me more anxious. This means I have to practice. I know that this is going to be tough, because I hate it. Every time I shut everything off and try and sit in silence and focus on the moment my mind races to dark places. But I know that if I practice then it will pay off when I really need it.

  • I want to sleep through the night. I can’t remember the last time I didn’t wake up terrified at least once in the night. I would really like to get a good night’s sleep…which brings me back to the whole mindfulness thing.

  • I want to be able to smell spearmint without freaking out. This one I dread. The smell of spearmint makes me sick and can a lot of the time cause me to have a flashback. And this goal terrifies me because I know that the only way to overcome it is by exposure. It might be a while before I conquer this one.

  • I want to forgive them. I know that to be forgiven, I must forgive. I use to think that I had forgiven them, but after my last therapy session I realized that I hadn’t. I still want them to suffer because of what they did to me. I need to work on letting them go and praying for them to have a good life and prosper.

  • I want to go to Walmart without feeling like punching someone in the face. I’m serious. I literally imagined a scenario the last time I was in Walmart that involved me shouting at a woman that kept getting to close to me. This is a frequent event in Walmart…the store is so freaking crowded I can hardly stand it. And I know that if I’m going to do this the best way to do it is exposure…so if you see me wondering the isles of Walmart, do yourself a favor and don’t run up and hug me

  • I want to hug people without feeling sick about it. I don’t do well with physical contact. If I don’t initiate it, I don’t like it…period. If you want to hug me, ask me. I will probably say yes because you had the courtesy to ask, but for the love of God, would all you southerners please stop rushing at me and hugging me? Seriously? Just ask me…it would go a long ways with me and if you ask enough then I will probably eventually tell you that you don’t need to ask anymore, because you have gone through the effort of caring then I will respect and trust you enough to allow it. And I know that accomplishing this goal is going to come back to exposure too. Oh and don’t ask sarcastically…you know who you are…

  • Lastly, I want to sit in a waiting room without feeling like someone is going to attack me. Don’t ask me what it is about waiting rooms, but I can’t stand them. I feel like I have to watch everyone at once because one of them is going to try and hurt me. I know that I’m just being paranoid, but I can’t help it. And this comes back to the self-soothing crap. And just talking about self-soothing makes me want to punch my therapist in the face…I’m seriously getting tired of hearing him tell me to do it…and here I am talking about needing to do it…maybe I should punch myself in the face…

So these are just a few practical goals I want to get at.

Love, Randi

Screaming It Out

I lost it a few day into my stay at Holly Hill. I had ventured out to group and another fight broke out and that was the final straw for me. I requested to change units but the doctor denied my request and I lost it. I started crying and the amount of noise became overwhelming. I shut myself in my room and laid on the bed and cried. I covered my ears with me blanket but I couldn’t shut out the noise of the unit. I heard them line up outside my room to go to dinner and that was it. The noise was just too much. I took a deep breath and screamed as loud as I could for them to shut up. But they didn’t, so I screamed again. I heard one of the techs usher them out for dinner and it got quiet on the unit and I calmed down for a while…but the inevitable happened and they returned.

It was just too much for me and I screamed for them to shut up. It seemed that the more I screamed for quiet the louder they got. Then one particular man began to mock me. My screams for silence turned to profanity as he mocked me. He talked and talked and then talked some more and I lost it. I remember the following events like a dream. I got out of my bed. I threw off my shoes and my hoodie and came busting out of my room. I screamed “Where are you? Where the %^&# are you?” and he spoke from my right and said “Who me?” And I went in on it. I don’t remember everything I yelled but I just kept screaming. I recall telling him to shut the $%^& up and asking him if he heard himself when he spoke and that no one cared what he had to say and he just needed to shut up. He became furious and started moving to fight me and I was in a fearless rage and went for him too. I recall one of the techs arms in front of me holding me back and another tech holding him back and I was aware of screaming at him but don’t ask me what I said. I remember one to the techs trying to get me to go back in my room and eventually I obeyed. I shut myself in my room and screamed and punched the wall several times and collapsed onto my bed in a fury of tears. I was aware that I was still screaming things but I don’t know what I was saying. At some point I went back to screaming at the unit to shut up. Eventually the nurse came in and gave me something to calm me down and after another 15 or so minutes I stopped screaming and just cried until I fell asleep. I remember my roommate coming in and talking with me for a while…but I don’t remember what we talked about or anything other than her praising me for getting it out, but that’s all I remember. But I woke up the next morning feeling better than I had since I had gotten there. My roommate said that she guessed I just needed to scream.

The doctor didn’t have a problem changing me to a different unit after that and knowing that I was going to a quieter unit made my mood much better. My roommate was getting out that day and I knew I would miss her but I was grateful for leaving that overwhelming place.

I made a 180 once I was on the more stable unit. Most of the people on that unit were depressed, not psychotic like most of the people on the other unit therefore, it was much more manageable for me. Being on the new unit was the thing that really changed the way my recovery was going. I made friends, I participated in group, I went to the cafeteria and I smiled, laughed and joked. I was so much better when I got there, but I honestly don’t know what made me feel better, the quieter unit or having broken down and screamed it all out. Maybe it was like my roommate said, I just needed to get it all out.

I saw mom and dad that day and I told them about it. When I told dad that I was feeling much better and that my roommate equated it to me having screamed it out, he laughed and quoted Forest Gump: “Sometimes there just ain’t enough rocks.”

So I was thinking about this and how it applies to life. Sometimes we hold it all in until it’s just too much and we explode. I know that I was a bit of an extreme example, but I think this applies to people without a mental illness. I have seen people press their lips together and not say a word when what is happening in front of them is causing them quite a bit of distress. I have watched both friends and family do this until one day they just snap, and usually the snap is over something a lot smaller than the real reason they are so worked up. I think that if we were to address the real issues when they happen then we might avoid a lot of emotional pain for ourselves, as well as those closest to us.

I was thinking about how from the very start I was distressed by the unit, but instead of talking to my doctor about it right away I swallowed my complaints and tried to endure. Obviously this was a mistake and eventually lead to my complete breakdown.

So here’s the thing: I’m going to try and start handling my problems head on. I’m going to stop letting things go and trying to endure when I know that what is going on is wrong and should be different. I’m going to start standing up for myself and being assertive in my relationships. I’m done taking things lying down. So be ready for a change in me. I know that it won’t happen overnight but I will get there eventually.

So my question to you is will you join me? Will you stop taking all that garbage you have been taking on for way to long now and stand up for yourself? Because I think it’s worth it. I think it’s worth the effort, don’t you?

Love, Randi


I started hallucinating the Thursday before the Tuesday I went to the hospital. It was terrifying for the most part, but sometimes I cracked up at the things I was seeing. I was seeing demons for the most part. I know that some of you will think that I wasn’t so much as hallucinating as I was seeing the spirits that were tormenting me. Let me explain how I know I was hallucinating:

Spirits leave when you declare the name of Jesus. They cannot stay when you bring the Son of God into the picture. When I first started seeing them I plead the blood of Jesus over myself and commanded them to leave me alone, but they didn’t. I know that if it were a true evil spirit from the enemy they wouldn’t have stood a chance when I declared God over the situation. They weren’t really there…my mind was playing tricks on me.

I saw the first one in the corner of a room when I was staying the night with a friend. It scared the crap out of me and I watched it watch me all night long…that was the sleep from hell…pun intended. I didn’t see it when I got up in the morning so I wrote it off. But by Sunday there were two of them and they were watching me. By Monday night they were talking to me. They called me horrible names, they told me to do horrible things, but mostly they just watched. I became delusional and thought I was gifted with the supernatural and could see into the spirit world. If I could have seen into the spirit world then I would have seen more than just demons. I would have seen angels and the Holy Spirit…and God only knows what else there is. By Tuesday morning I was gone. Don’t ask me what happened Tuesday morning because I don’t remember…well I do remember some things, but it’s like remembering a dream.

I have sensed spirits before, but this wasn’t a hallucination. This was more like an uncomfortable feeling around someone or a situation that I identified through listening to the Holy Spirit that it was the presence of evil. But I didn’t see them…and honestly I’m glad. I don’t know what they would look like but I’m sure they would terrify me far worse than my hallucinations did.

Another reason I know they were a hallucination is that sometimes I found what they were doing humorous. I don’t think I would have ever found the behavior of a true evil spirit funny. Sometimes the hallucinations would appear in funny positions. They would sit huge on top of trees, then they would fly beside me in my car like something out of a Harry Potter movie…I giggled and rolled my eyes at those things.

I was also extremely paranoid. I was constantly on edge and looking for the threats that I knew were there. The funny thing is that I know I was never in any true danger because God is my protector, but in those moments everyone was a threat and I felt the need to be ready to fight or run…there is that pesky flight or fight response.

I was momentously anxious. I figure this was from the constant paranoia. Being on edge like that is exhausting but the fear of what was coming for me was stronger than my need to sleep. The bad thing about not being able to sleep well is that the less sleep you have the worse things are going to get.

So here’s the thing…there were warning signs that I was becoming unstable. These signs date back months before things got as bad as they did. I have told you previously that I have bipolar disorder. Well here’s the thing, I had never had a mixed episode before, but I knew about them. What I knew about a mixed episode is that there are signs of mania, as well a depression present. But what I didn’t realize is that swift mood changes are also a sign of a mixed episode. You can go from feeling absolutely on top of the world or being extremely agitated (mania) to feeling like you need to kill yourself (depression). I guess starting around November, maybe as far back as October that it was there. Sometimes mania comes off as extreme agitation, and that was there. Sometimes I was inexplicably irritable. I remember several times just waking up and it seemed like everything made me just want to punch someone in the face. I think I made a post about the one morning were my brother and me got into it over the bathroom and it ended with me screaming profanity at him so loud, over and over again, that my throat actually hurt the rest of the day. Sometimes I would be so angry at nothing that I would want to kill myself…and the stupid thing was that there was really no true reason to feel that way.

So you may be wondering why I didn’t see those things as a sign that something was wrong. You see, I have been diagnosed previously as having borderline tendencies. Part of Borderline Personality Disorder is that you have lots of mood changes really swiftly, so I thought that this was what was going on. Because of this I didn’t really think of having bipolar disorder as a factor in what was going on. Oops, is all I can say there. And my therapist and psychiatrist really didn’t know the entire picture because I was keeping some of those things to myself because I didn’t want them to know that I was having suicidal thoughts out of fear that they would make me go to the hospital. Oops again.

So here’s the thing, you got to know yourself. You need to know what your triggers are but you have to also be aware of what is normal for you. It isn’t normal for me to suddenly have such mood changes like that. And if it had been the borderline tendencies then it would be something I struggle with all the time, not something that suddenly started happening.

Mental illness is a tricky thing…sometimes you notice the warning signs, but sometimes you miss them. If I had caught this sooner I could have saved myself a lot of trouble and my parents a lot of money. (I got a phone call yesterday about how much my bill is…yikes is all that can be said there.) So yeah, know yourself, even if you don’t have a mental illness. If you are lucky enough not to have a mental illness you still need to be aware of yourself and your triggers. I was once told that pain is a gift from God because without pain how else would you know that something is wrong? I found this statement profound when I heard it…and it is so true! When you feel emotional pain you need to stop and think about what’s going on and what is causing it just as much as you need to stop and take notice when you feel physical pain. So know yourself. Know what’s normal for you. And if you know someone who has a mental illness then help them out. Sometimes you notice when things aren’t quite right before they notice. And don’t worry about making them mad, because they will thank you in the end, I know I would.

Love, Randi

A Broken Prayer

In the pain that echoes through my head,
I hear the voices call “It’s time to lay down in that bed.”’
You see, a life filled with this kind of hurt is just not livable,
And I know that the sin I want to commit is unforgiveable.
And I don’t want those left behind to suffer in my absence,
So I’m giving it another shot, just one last chance,
One last chance for life to prove me wrong,
One last chance to help me feel like I belong,
Because this constant climb and dive is making me nauseous,
And having to monitor my moods all the time seems overly cautious.
But I’m giving it another go,
I’m in this place so please enjoy the show,
Because my future hangs with what these next few days hold,
So God I’m begging you please don’t leave me in the cold.


Doctor's Orders

Dad waited with me in the lobby for them to call me back and start the assessment last week. They called me back and asked me a few questions and then told me I could get my things. I told dad he could get my bags out of the truck and that there was no reason for him to sit around while they did the official assessment. He left and I waited for a few more minutes in the lobby before they called me back. I gave them my bags and sat down in a plain room with green chairs and a sofa.

There are so many freaking questions that they ask when you are getting a mental health assessment. Suicidal ideations? Self-injury? Depression? Mania? Hallucinations? Delusions? Sleeping too much? Not enough? The list goes on and on. After you answer all of their questions they have to go take your assessment to the doctor to get his order on what needs to be done. This is the first of many doctor’s orders that you have to get in the hospital.

After the doctor said to admit me and I was brought back to the unit everything I had brought with me was searched…including myself. I found out that I needed a doctor’s order to have my hard back books and my blanket. I could understand the hard backs…but the blanket? Really? What exactly am I going to do with my blanket that I couldn’t do with their blanket…I just wanted something soft that smelled like home with me as a comfort. I didn’t complain…I just figured I would wait and talk to the doctor.

I realized within the first couple of hours of being on the unit that I was on an unstable unit. They don’t tell you this when they admit you, but between the fact that I myself was hallucinating and the amount of action taking place on the unit it was obvious.

I braved the first morning group therapy session, but that was all I could manage. A fight broke out in the other day room and after that I refused to leave my room, but I was informed that I was going to need a doctor’s order to stay in my room.

I finally got in to talk to the doctor later that morning and I had a list. I wanted my books…all of them. I wanted my blanket. I wanted to be able to keep to myself in my room because of how crazy the unit was and I wanted permission to stay on checks so that I wouldn’t have to go into the cafeteria with the insanity of the rest of the hospital.

Now let me explain to you how ridiculous this is. Checks means that you stay on a higher level of supervision than everyone else. Generally speaking you are on checks until you see the doctor, which is usually in the first 24 hours of being admitted. I was requesting to stay on checks…but apparently you have to have a doctor’s order to be allowed to stay on a higher level of supervision. Am I the only one that finds this ridiculous? And the thing about staying in my room? The reason I had to have a doctor’s order for this is because they lock all of the rooms during group in order to encourage group attendance, but they tell you that they can’t make you go to group. Really? I don’t have to go to group but you are going to limit that places that I can be elsewise in an attempt to make sure I go anyways? That also seems ridiculous. But hey, I needed a doctor’s order, so I got it. I was playing the game.

At one point I requested some of my anti-anxiety medication and they whipped out their charts and brought out double of my requested dose. I told them I didn’t want that much because it would put me to sleep and they told me that they couldn’t give me less without a doctor’s order. Really!? Are you serious? I looked at that nurse and told them that this was a highly addictive controlled substance and I am requesting to have less of it and you can’t give me less of it without asking the freaking doctor? She told me yes and I told her to go call the freaking doctor then. I was getting tired of the routine.

A few days later I braved another group and once again a fight broke out in another room. (I'm going to talk about all of the fights in a later post.) It was at this point that I decided that I needed to get off of that unit if I was ever going to improve my condition. I requested a different unit and they told me I needed a doctor’s order to change units. It was the afternoon and I had already seen the doctor that day so I got a little upset. I told them to call the doctor and get a freaking order. I was beginning to get irritated by how many doctor’s orders I needed to function in that place.

The doctor refused to give the order to move me because it was inconvenient for him and I lost it. I told the nurse that I needed a different doctor if he was that freaking concerned with his convenience instead of my treatment. She told me I needed a doctor’s order to change doctors. Then I really lost it. I will tell you more about what all I did when I lost it in another post but for now just know that by the next morning when I saw the doctor he didn’t have any trouble switching me to a different unit. But he refused to give the order to get me a different doctor.

I moved to the other unit and started making smart remarks about what all I needed to get a doctor’s order to do and the other patients grabbed a hold of my sense of humor. By the end of my stay I had the patients, nurses and even the techs cracking up when I made comments like “I need to break wind! Someone call the doctor and get an order from him!”

So I was sitting around today thinking about all of those freaking doctor’s orders that I had to get and I was thinking about how God is the ultimate doctor. As irritating as I find all of those rules I knew that things had to be that way for my protection and the protection of others.

So then I was thinking that what if I got the ultimate doctor’s orders before I did things? Like, what if I went to God before acting and just ran it by him to make sure it was safe for me to act? I’m not talking about what I should wear to the mall tomorrow or what color eye shadow I should put on, but I am talking about the important things…the things that are important to my own future and the futures of others.

So I think I’m going to try it. I think I will try getting "The Doctor’s Orders" on things. Like where I should go to graduate school? When I should move out of the house to go to graduate school? Where I should work? Where should my internship for graduate school be at? And I’m going to be honest that it already seems like a hassle…because I have a tendency to think that I know what’s best for me. But just like in the hospital, it’s for my own good. I may not like it, but in the long run the extra effort is better for me and for others.

Love, Randi


I spent this past week in a psychiatric facility and I couldn’t be more grateful to be home than I am right now. The events leading up to it are a bit blurry to me, as well as the first few days there, but I’m doing a lot better now. I’m going to make some posts about the events leading up to and the happenings of my stay in the hospital, but for now here is a list of things I am thankful for:

  1. A shower that doesn’t involve pressing a button repeatedly for water.
  2. Proper shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant, toothpaste, and lotion.
  3. Shaving
  4. Strings in hoodies
  5. Real writing utensils...not rubber pens
  6. A proper facial care routine
  7. Makeup
  8. A straight iron
  9. Nail polish
  10. A family that loves me
  11. Friends that stand by me
  12. A therapist that doesn’t mind that I sometimes threaten to punch him in the face
  13. A psychiatrist that spends more than 2 mins with me before changing my meds
  14. And being able to do whatever the hell I want to without a doctor’s order

Love, Randi

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