
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.”
-Maya Angelou

"I write only because there is a voice within me that will not be still."
-Sylvia Plath

"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world."
-Robin Williams

The Year from Hell

This year has been nothing short of utter chaos. I started the year in January with my first mental relapse in over two years. I came out hoping to get my head back on straight and continue to lose weight. It didn't happen. I ended up on a medication that made me gain weight and then on top of that I seemed to have lost my motivation to workout and eat right. In March I had another breakdown and ended up in the hospital again. But I got out determined to make something of myself. I started grad school in May and was excited to be on my way to becoming a therapist...my dream job. But I still wasn't quite together and my teacher took notice. In July I got a job and I signed a lease for my first place...things were looking up. The week after I moved in I was rushing to work and tripped over my bad foot and hurt my leg. My leg swelled painfully and because of the nerve damage the swelling still won't go down.

After that I really didn't wanna go anywhere. I needed to swim, but my leg hurt. I needed to be in church, but my leg hurt. I tried to focus on work and school but I could feel myself slipping into depression.

And then I was manic. I stopped sleeping and had endless energy. I was wreck less with my safety and money. I created a lot of credit card debt and picked up a homeless man. In the middle of all this school had taken notice of my questionable mental stability. They wanted to know if my therapist and psychiatrist thought I was capable of being in an accelerated masters level program. Strangely enough I was making all A's, but they had questions all the same. My psychiatrist informed them that I was perfectly capable of being a student. But alas, not even a week after the letter arrived in their hands they decided that I wasn't capable in their opinion and gave me the boot. It was a big blow..And it hurt a lot it felt like the Emmanuel fiasco all over again.

At the same time I was facing some issues at work. There was a joke gone terribly wrong that ended up with me having to get an evaluation as to if I was capable of working the job and if there were any special considerations I needed. Apparently a note saying you are going insane and to feed my flying monkeys is only funny to me...oops. But I played the game and got them what they wanted.

But a week after school gave me the boot...my job "released me due to performance," which is a fancy way of saying I got fired. So within a week I lost my job and my place as a student. Devastated didn't even cover how I felt. So I searched for a job like crazy and got into contact with vocational rehabilitation. But nothing came through...despite several promising interviews.

The first of November I gave up and moved back in with mom and dad. It sucks. I love my parents but I am too old to be living with them. But I'm trying to make the best of it. I finally got some headway with vocational rehab...I'm waiting to start my evaluation. But on the way home from my appointment with vocational rehab I got a seatbelt ticket...really? Now I know I was asking for it and it's no one's fault but my own, but could I please catch a break? Oh and what is up with court costs? The fine for the seatbelt is only $25...the freaking court costs are over 100! Really Wake County? Thanks for that one!,
But I refused to let even that get me down. So, this past Thursday I went to a doctors office and got started on a program to help me lose weight again. Then on the way home, BAM! ...car wreck. I didn't see or hear it coming...just out of no where the lady nailed the back right side of my car. It launched my into the guard rail so hard my car bounced off and swung around and the back end it. I came to a stop on the side of the road facing traffic. It took me a little to figure out what happens and what side of Hwy 64/264 I was on. Then I realized I wasn't wearing my glasses or my ballcap anymore...the. I realized I needed to call someone..Then I realized I couldn't find my phone. Then I realized my car was totaled and the headlights that we had just replaced were crushed...I was like "dammit, I only got to use them once!" The pedestrian that I said this to looked at me like I was insane. He asked if I was ok, I told him I think so. I finally found my phone, hat and glasses in the backseat.

Now, hear I am a few days later and I have had to accept the fact that the one good knee I have is jacked up. I thought it was just sore and would work itself out in a few days...I was wrong. So now I'm down a car and I don't have any good knees anymore.

So, with all of this said I'm thinking about going into hibernation for the rest of the year. The entire year I have been thanking God because I know it can always be worse...and then for some reason things would get worse. So here's to hoping nothing else goes wrong this year. And with that said I'm going to list some things that I'm praying and believing for in 2015.

1. To get my but back in church!
2. Health...in mind and body.
3. A job with benefits...including GOOD health insurance and enough pay to get me on my own two feet and off of mom and dad's dime...and a job that I like.
4. A new apartment...better than my old...in a good neighborhood, in Raleigh.
5. To have my dog back living with me.
6. A car that is dependable, good on gas mileage and one that I like the way it looks...preferably a hatchback but a coupe is acceptable.
7. Healthy relationships with family and friends.
8. To spend some spare time volunteering in my community.
9. To always make time to read a good book.
10. And to never forget to write.

I'm praying and believing with God that 2015 will be a better year than 2014.

Love, Randi

We Needed a Chill Pill

I totally lost it last week. I’ve been on edge for a while. I feel like a failure after having to move back in with my parents, and I guess I finally snapped.

A few months ago I met an individual whom was in need of a friend. I helped her through her time in need…against my better judgment. She was in a psychiatric hospital and I allowed her to borrow a few of my books. Now if you don’t know me I have to tell you something about myself: you don’t come between me and my books. I find literature very comforting and I am very fond and much attached to all of my books. If I lend you one of my books I expect you to treat it with great care. I expect the book to be returned to me in the same shape that it was sent out and I expect the books to be retuned in a timely manner. This means that if you have had one book for more than three months and you haven’t read it yet, then you probably aren’t going to read it and it’s time to return it.
Well this person had kept my books for two months and was finding every excuse under the sun to not return them to me. She lived about 30 minutes from my apartment and I offered to meet her halfway. I made numerous attempts to retrieve my books and in the end I even volunteered to go and get them from her apartment. Eventually, I hit a boiling point.

My best friend was with me in Raleigh, wrapping up some things with my move back to my parents and I was texting and calling this individual multiple time in an attempt to either meet her or go to her place to get the books. She was not responding at all and my temper flared. We made the joint decision to tempt fate and go to her place and try and see if she was there, or a roommate was there and could get the books from them. Once we arrived I told my friend that I couldn’t go up there because if I saw her I was going to hurt her…and I was serious.

Now, I know you guys are seeing this as an overreaction…and to some of you that may be true, but you have to remember the stress I was already under and the previous two months that I had been trying to retrieve my books already. So, my friend went up to the apartment and I waited in the car.
And I waited and waited and waited and my friend didn’t return. And I actually started getting worried. My already furious mind started thinking that this girl may hurt my friend, so I got my phone and called my buddy’s phone…and she didn’t pick up. So, I began to ready myself for a march up to that apartment to punch this girl in the throat. But before I could get out of the car my friend texted me and saved this girl and myself from a cat fight. Finally my friend came down with the books and now she was pissed. And before I could leave my phone dinged and that stupid b&%*% texted my phone and called me a stalked…and the circuits fried and I saw red. My friend just kept saying let’s go, let’s go and finally I realized that if I didn’t me and my buddy were going to beat that girl senseless.

And I took one of my chill pills and I gave one to my friend (don’t judge us). We both slowly calmed down and went to a bookstore…because bookstores make everything better. :)

So, would love to tell you that once I reached that boiling point and blew up yelling and screaming about my books and that jerk of a whore, (I still may have a few issues with her) that I’m back to my normal level, but honestly I feel like my nerves are raw all the time. People are getting on my nerves more so than usual.

So all in all, moving back in with your parents sucks. You get use to things the way you want them and then suddenly you have to go back to doing everything their way. Go to bed at this time, don’t leave your glass there, clean your room, no you can’t have any of my peanut butter…blah, blah, blah. But this too shall pass…it’s just now would be nice. Until next time,

Love, Randi


I hate sleeping at night. The darkness threatens to consume me with the echos of all my fears both past and present. I can hardly stand it. No amount of medication will prevent me from waking up terrified at one point or another. I. Hate. It. But unfortunately it's inevitable. Night is going to come and there is nothing I can do to stop it. So, I turn the TV low and watch Rugrats. I tiptoe around the house, cringing with every noise the floorboards create. I try my hardest to be quiet because I know that as much as I hate sleeping at night...there are three other people in this home that really do enjoy sleeping while the moon is in the sky. And my nighttime adventures have lead to more than one heated conversation. I don't want to keep them awake...but I don't want the other option either. They think I'm crazy and that I'm setting myself up for failure. And if truth be told I would cooperate...but I don't want the other option either. Honestly I wouldn't sleep at all if it were humanly possible. I have nightmares and panic attacks when I sleep during the day too...it's just easier to calm back down when the sun is lighting up your surroundings.

So here's the my dilemma. Night? Or day? Either way I gotta sleep. Do I sacrifice the little bit of comfort I find in daytime sleep...or do I relish in the smaller amount of time it takes to calm down in daylight. Do I wake terrified in darkness...clawing at my skin to calm down, or do I allow the other three occupants of this household a little more quiet to aid their beauty sleep? I wish I could tell you I'm that selfless. That I would willingly give up the small bit of sanity that I get from sleeping with the sun....but I'm not that selfless...and I'm not proud of it.

So my appologies to the other occupants of this household. I'll try and keep it down...but I'm just not strong enough to give you what your asking for. I hope you will forgive me.

Love, Randi

Another Setback

It's time to be open and honest with you guys. I was administratively withdrawn from graduate school last week. Not gonna lie...it hurt like hell. But I'm not gonna say that it blind sided me or anything like that. The signs were there. Misunderstandings, overreactions, one-sided conversations and that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach when you know a bomb is getting ready to go off and there is nothing you can do to stop it. But I'm handling it pretty well I think. I mean I'm under a lot of stress right now with trying to figure out how I'm going to stay independent without financial aid money, but I'm not giving up without a fight.

The director of the program says I can come back after I address their concerns. I'm not going to go into detail about what all they say is a problem, but I will say that most of it is nonsense. I'm already addressing the issues they want addressed in therapy and with medication. That doesn't mean I don't make mistakes or have setbacks, but it does mean I'm trying really hard. But the last item on the director's list of things in need of addressing really stunned me. She stated that she doesn't think that my desire to help people is genuine. She believes that I'm in the program to treat myself. I read that and an entire mountain of deadly scenarios flashed through my mind...most of them involving..well I'm not gonna go there...but you get the point. My skin crawled, I developed a twitch in my neck, I cracked my knuckles and stared at the screen in utter disbelief. How could someone who is supposed to be educating future counselors being so judgmental? She hasn't spend even an hour with me, how dare she make suck judgments? I'm actually relieved that she sent that information in an email instead of telling me to my face, because I'm not entirely sure that I wouldn't have at the lest tried to slap her. Now some of you may be wondering if there is any validity to this, so I'm going to tell you guys a few things about me and then I'll leave the rest up to you.

Growing up wasn't very easy for me. I was being abused at church, bullied in school and home life could be a little crazy to say the least...so things were really difficult sometimes. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying my parents were bad parents...I love them and I think they did the best they could with what they had, and I like to think I didn't turn out too bad, so that must mean something...right? So anyways, when I was 9 I started going to church camp. I was so super excited about this new level of independence I was gaining. I remember laughing and jumping up and down on a bed in a dorm room celebrating with a church friend that we wouldn't have to wear bras since our mothers weren't there to make us. (I still wore mine, but the idea that I didn't have to made me happy.) So camp went on and we played hard during the day and went to church at night. Church was fun...they did it to target my generation particularly so for the first time in my life I actually looked forward to church. They called for all the kids that wanted to dedicate their lives to Christ to come up and I stayed seated because I had taken care of that a long time ago. But as I watched my peers kneel and weep I begin to get the impression that there was more to God than I thought. So I got up and went up there. Long story short, God wrapped his arms around me and I melted into His hands and I haven't forgotten His very real presence since.

A lot of things changed for me that night. God became real for me in a way that I hand't had before. He wasn't just an abstract figure off in the distance that made all the adults in my church run around screaming and speaking in tongues. I talked to God...I don't call it prayer because that's not how it feels to me...it feels like talking to someone who is sitting across a table from me. We chat, sometimes about the little things, other times about hard things. I found that I liked dancing with Him. I would play my music and sway back and forth as though I was slow dancing with Jesus. I would snuggle with God when I was upset at night. And in those dark night when I would retreat in fear to my closet, I would feel Him sit there with me...and even though I was terrified and crying He would sit there with me.

My point here is that it was in that night, when God made Himself truly real to me that He also awakened a desire in me to bring that same loving embrace to others. So this is what I have pursued. And this past week I faced another setback. Not only did I face another setback, but my character was questioned...and to be honest my initial response wasn't a very Godly one. But I'm a work in progress.

So this is where I leave you all. I'm in the middle of another setback, but I'm believing that God will make a way for me to do this. I believe that He has called me to do this, and I have to have faith that things will work out in the end. For now I'm waiting...I'm doing the best I can and I'm waiting and trusting in Him,

Love, Randi

Another Curve Ball

So life has thrown me another curve ball. A few weeks ago my psychiatrist doubled my dosage of my antipsychotic and the results have been more than I could have ever hoped for. It wasn’t until my therapist pointed it out today that I really comprehended the difference in me. You see, my school forced me to withdraw from my program this week. I was heartbroken...to say the least. I sobbed and called into work…I was in pieces and frightened of the future. You see I was living off of the student loans, but now that’s not an option. I’m working part time but I don’t make enough money working part time to make pay all of my bills…so I’m scared to say the least. I have about two weeks before everything will start being due, so I’m turning me eyes toward God and saying “alright, you gotta do something because I haven’t got a clue.”

But back to my point…my new med change has really been great for me. Today my therapist asked to see my eyes…I avoid eye contact in session, don’t ask why…but when I looked up he goes “Wow!” he says “Randi, you’re actually here…I see more of you today than I have ever seen. You’re present…you are in a very stressful situation right now, but you’re present!” And when he said it I realized it was true. When Emmanuel kicked me out, I checked out for a few days. I felt empty inside and I recall one moment when I was just sitting on my bed watching my mom hang clothes in my closet and I just didn’t have anything in me to help her…I was gone. But I’m not gone this time…I’m hurting…I’m scared…I’m worried, but I’m here. And I’m not going down without a fight. So I gathered all of the shoes I own that I don’t wear very often and I gathered all of the purses and bags that I don’t use anymore and I took pictures, signed up for an PayPal account, signed up for a eBay account and listed a bunch of stuff for sale. Momma is collecting things for me to sale and I’m changed my schedule at work so that I’m getting more hours now. So like I said, I’m not giving up without a fight.

And I’m not giving up the dream. I’m not going to quit fighting toward becoming a licensed therapist…but I do think I am gonna try a different route other than Montreat. I’ll admit that my feelings are more than a little hurt. It seems to me that it is these schools that claim Christ at their center are the schools that have a problem with me. But it’s not even that, that has my feeling so hurt. I received an email with a list of problem behaviors that Montreat feels I need to address before they will let me return to the program and at the very end of the list the program director states that she feels that I am not in the program out of a genuine desire to help people, but instead out of a desire to treat myself. It’s a good thing she said that in an email and not to my face…there’s not enough medication in the world for me to handle that. Don’t you just love it when people make judgments about you, when they don’t even known you? And to make matters worse she sent that email to an entire committee regarding my situation. So I wrote a response. I didn’t write it with the purpose of changing their minds, honestly if the head of a counseling program is that judgmental about people, I’m not sure I want anything to do with the program anymore, but anyways, I was a little hurt about what was said.

So I’m hanging in there. I’m fighting this battle. I don’t find it a coincidence that I started feeling “normal” a few weeks before this happened. This is just another battle to fight on the way to my destiny. I know God has called me to help people, and I know that one of the ways He wants me to do it is through counseling people, but the road to get there is not one that I am aware of right now…and I’m trying to keep an open mind about other ways that God might call me to help His broken and hurting children. But for now, I’m taking it a day at a time,

Love Randi

Who is the REAL Enemy?

I had a rough day today. I posted late last night about how God has been really ministering to me and I feel like I’m really becoming the woman He wants me to be in order to walk in the destiny He has for me. Then today.

I love how predictable the enemy is. I announced how amazing God is last night and then Satan attacked me where it hurts today. I sat in a meeting and listen to two people question my destiny this afternoon. I listened to them attack my competency academically, professionally and personally…and it really hurt. I tried with great effort to defend myself, but it fell upon deaf ears. And the most painful part was the familiarity of their argument. I thought, as tears fell down my face, oh God don’t let history repeat itself. Don’t get me wrong…I don’t believe these individuals view what they did as an attack…but it was. It was an attack on the things God has promised me...and it slashed deep. When they finished their attack they put on smiling faces, while I cried, and asked what they could do to help me get ready for class. I told them to leave me alone.

I called my therapist and sobbed…I was actually sobbing so hard he told me to stop and calm down because he couldn’t understand me. He listened and then he encourage…then he gave me a game plan…and then he prayed…I love that I have a praying therapist. So I went through class, head held high, and walked out with my dignity in place. After class a friend and I sat in my car and slowly my sorrow turned to anger. I was very angry. You see I hate when people hide their true intentions behind smiling faces and false pretenses. These people sing the good song…we care…we want you to succeed…blah, blah, blah. What they are truly saying is that they want to make sure the institution is protected and their job is secure. I get fed up with the lies about actually caring about me. Don’t get me wrong, I believe that these people really do believe that they care…I think they really have convinced themselves of this…but after all these years of hearing different people sing the same tune I have discerned to truth.

But then I called my momma. I got an awesome momma. She prays. She speaks truth…even when I want to punch her in the face for it. She’s fearless and fierce…I admire her so much. She is a genuine woman. What you see is what you get. She understands what’s important and what isn’t. She knows how to have fun and still love God. She taught me how to love God and have fun doing it. I love my momma. But yeah…I called momma. I vented…I was pissed…she listened calmly and then reminded me who the real enemy is. She reminded me that those two people aren’t who I should be angry at, and she’s right.

So I got angry with the devil. I was going to sit here and type out some scriptures of encouragement for myself, but on the way over hear I started singing a song I haven’t heard in...I’m pretty sure it’s been years. “Nothing is impossible for you, nothing is impossible...” And I stopped walking and said to myself…what am I singing? Because I honestly didn’t know…the song came from my soul…it wasn’t a conscious decision to sing it…it rose up out of the place inside me that sings of the things of God. So I sung a few more lines and realized what I was singing. I marched over to my laptop and opened iTunes…


You hold my very moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease
I trust in You, I trust in You

I believe You're my healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe
And I believe You're my portion
I believe You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need

You hold my very moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease
I trust in You, Lord I trust in You

I believe You're my healer
I believe You are all I need
Oh, I believe
I believe You're my portion
I believe You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need

Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible
Nothing is impossible for You
You hold my world in Your hands

I believe You're my healer
I believe You are all I need
Oh, yes You are, yes You are
And I believe You're my portion
Lord I believe You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need
More than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need

You're my healer

I love God. I really do. My heart has been full of pain and doubt ever since that meeting...but God! J He walks with my through fire and heals all my disease! He is all that I need! He is more than enough for me! Nothing is impossible for Him! He is my healer and I stand firmly by the things He has promised me. So it’s on repeat and I sing it loud…and hope my neighbors sleep through it.

Thanks God for reminding me that You are here with me and as always You’re holding my hand.

Love, Randi

Broken Vessels

My mind is buzzing, my eyes are tired and my heart is full tonight. My life has been a whirlwind the past month. I moved out on my own, I started working part time and I made a spectacular display of grace and dignity that has resulted in two trips to the orthopedic urgent care and a future appointment with my ankle doctor. My leg, ankle and foot are still swollen but the rest of me is starting to find a new rhythm. I find these late hours soothing. The sun sets but there is no dark night sky nor chirping crickets of the country anymore, instead there is the warm glow of city and the gentle hum of traffic on the outer beltline. I think the thing I most enjoy about these hours is getting to listen to my worship music and have my own little worship service. Right now I sit here typing and swaying as I listen to “Broken Vessels,” off the new Hillsong album for about the third time…and it still stirs my soul.

Actually a lot of things have been stirring my soul lately. I saw a homeless man in the rain at a stop light the other day. My heart broke. I wanted to throw open my car door and tell him to get in. I wanted to bring him back here, offer him a warm shower, clean and dry clothes and a good meal…but then I thought to myself…I can’t do that! I’m a twenty something single woman living by herself…I would be insane to invite a homeless man into my home. But it stirred something in me and I can’t get him out of my head. Something about him made me want to smother him in the love of Christ and I’m finding that desire in me is becoming more and more prevalent. I'm finding myself looking at people I don't even know and being overcome with a strong desire to just...love on them...but you don't randomly hug strangers...especially me...I don't like hugs...period. So this is a very strange thing for me.

At least once a week I find myself sitting at this kitchen table sobbing my heart out to God…singing horribly to the lyrics of my favorite songs, speaking His language and I find myself experiencing something different. I think a lot about what my life is going to look like as a professional counselor and I know this one thing to be true…I will make a difference.

I’m taking Ethics in Counseling right now and we are looking a lot at what is right and wrong in our profession…well it’s much more complicated than that, but for the sake of simplicity I will leave it at that. And we were talking about self-disclosure in counseling. And I had decided a long time ago that I disliked counselors that tried to talk about themselves in relation to my problems, so I wouldn’t do that to any of my clients. Don’t get me wrong, I understand the temptation, but I also understand that no one person is the same. But we have been talking about social media and the potential risks and benefits that it presents in the profession. And in the process of this discussion the subject of my blog came up. And so my instructor raised the question…how will I maintain my decision to leave self-disclosure out of the client-counselor relationship when I am publishing personal things on my blog. And now I find myself faced with a dilemma. Can I operate this blog while maintaining my boundaries in session?

And I have given it a lot of thought over the past few weeks. This blog helps me in many ways, but in many other ways it is a ministry. It is a way for me to prove to you that you can have a mental illness and still be successful. It is a way for me to prove that you can have a mental illness and be a Christian. It is a way for me prove to you that mental illness does not equal demonic procession or oppression, as many Christians have maintained through the years. It is a way for me to prove to you the psychotropic medications are not something of the devil and they can actually be a God given tool in recovery and management of mental illness. It is a way for you to see someone fail, struggle and hurt, but also succeed, find victory and bask in the amazing healing power of The Most High King. And for those of you that know me and see me in real life, and not just my words, I take comfort in the fact that you respect me…despite seeing my struggles up here, you don’t treat me as though I am any less of a capable being. Now don't get me wrong...there will be a new level of thought put into what I post, but I will never stop using this blog in the way that God has asked me to.

So, God has been stirring some things in me. I know he wants me to continue to write. I know that there are those of you out there that are blessed by this blog. But I know there is so much more…and I think that these past few weeks have been hard, but they have also been very fulfilling. The Holy Spirit has ministered to me more nights in these wee hours of the night than He has in any other part of my life. And I look forward to what He has in store.

Hillsong Live: “Broken Vessels” Second Verse
You take our failure
You take our weakness
You set Your treasure
In jars of clay
So take this hear, Lord
I'll be Your vessel
The world to see
Your love in me

Love, Randi


She is pretty, but not your typical kind of pretty. There is just something about her. I wish I could explain it to you, but I can’t. When she smiles my heart beats a little faster and when she gets close to me I feel as if there is an electrical current flowing through my chest.
I remember the first time I saw her. She was standing outside the library with her long blonde hair pulled up into a messy bun and she was chewing on a pencil. I thought it was so cute. You don’t see people our age chewing on pencils, but there she was, blue eyes turned toward the matching sky and an old fashioned yellow number 2 pencil hanging out of her mouth.
Now don’t think me weird or anything. I don’t get turned on by women having things in their mouths, but there was something about her that I was just drawn to and I knew I had to know more about her.
It started innocently enough, I promise. I followed her onto the bus and sat a few seats behind her. She tucked a few loose strands of that perfect hair behind her ears and pulled out earbuds. She plugged them into her phone and proceeded to hum a tune that I didn’t recognize. She gazed out of the window and swayed back and forth to a beat I couldn’t hear.
I followed her off at her stop and stayed behind her a good ways as she made her way down the side walk. I knew I was going too far by that point, but no matter how much I told myself to stop it, I couldn’t not follow her. I followed her into an apartment complex and to the third brick building. I waited for her to disappear onto the stairway before I snuck up to the bottom steps to see which apartment she went into. I watched her disappear into the second apartment on the second floor.
I didn’t know her name then, but I knew that I needed to find out.
My name is Charlie by the way. I’m not a stalker…I promise. I don’t find pretty girls and follow them around and jack off outside their window. That would be disgusting. So no, I’m not a monster…but I am in love. Tara is like a magnet and I am metal. There is an irresistible pull that comes from her and I can’t help myself.
I realized I was going to be late for work after she disappeared into that mysterious apartment, so I hightailed it back to the bus stop. I was 20 minutes late for my shift, but I didn’t care…I felt like I had just had a religious experience and I couldn’t wait to go back to that complex and get to know her.
Work took forever that day. I bus tables at a little pizza joint downtown called Mario’s. I hate pizza by the way. I use to love it, but after you clean half eaten slices off tables 6 days a week, you kind of lose your taste for the stuff.
So I got off at 10 that night and I got on the bus and headed back toward her apartment. It wasn’t until I was standing at the bottom of the stairs in her building that I realized that I had no idea how to do this.
Scenario one: I could knock on her door and introduce myself. But what would I say…”Hey, I’m Charlie…I saw you outside the library earlier today and followed you home and now I’ve just gotten off work and wanted to come by and see if you would like to go on a date with me?”
Yikes, no…that’s really bad idea.
Scenario two: I could make a loud noise outside her window and pretend to be investigating the ruckus when she comes down to check it out?
Hmm…I thought, this has potential. I sat down on the bottom of the stairs and began to contemplate how I would make enough noise to attract her attention without the entire neighborhood showing up. And then what if they call the cops. I don’t live here…so it would be hard to explain what I’m doing outside in a neighborhood not even remotely where I live at 11 o’clock at night.
I stood up and walked over to the bench on the other side of the street facing her building. I sat down, sighed and lifted my head toward the heavens in search of an answer. When I looked up I saw her standing in her living room. It was like getting to see an angel in its natural habitat. I was fascinated. I wanted a better view. So I climbed onto the play equipment behind the bench and angled my sitting position so that I was looking right into her window.
She was wearing orange shorts and a bright blue tank top. She had let her hair down and it was falling around her shoulders. I really wanna touch that hair. I watched her in her kitchen standing at the microwave. She stood there sawing from foot to foot, waiting for something. I couldn’t hear the microwave beep but I figured it must have because she pulled open the door and grabbed a bag of popcorn. I wanna eat popcorn with her. She walked toward me into her living room and settled on a sofa that was slightly out of view, but I could see a glimpse of that beautiful hair.
I lost track of time that night and it wasn’t until my mother called me that I realized I had been out to long.
Mom fussed at me the entire walk to the bus stop. She yelled about how irresponsible it is to be out so late at night, especially when I have class in the morning and she yelled about how I needed to pick up milk and how I should be there with her and how lonely she is…you get the point.
Its morning now and I’m sitting out here on this damp play equipment and I’m waiting for her to come out. I formulated a plan last night after I got home with the milk. I am going to wait here for her to come out and then I will walk up and stand next to her at the bus stop. Then I will strike up a conversation while we wait. Once I get a good conversation going I will sit next to her on the bus. By the time we get off together…wherever that stop may be…I will have her number and her name.


I turn the corner and I see her off in the distance standing there beside the bus stop waiting for me. Her wavy brown hair is blowing in a chilled fall breeze and her shoulders are drawn up tight as if she is waiting for something or someone to jump out at her. She is scanning the busy streets as if she is searching for a threat and I can’t help but wonder how exhausting it must be to be that tense all the time. As if she heard my thoughts she yawns, her mouth open wide and no attempt to stifle it or cover her mouth. She has never been one for manners but for some reason that has never bothered me. She turns to face me, gives me a tight smile and lifts her left hand in a sort of wave that doesn’t move but acknowledges my existence. The fake smile falls away and she returns to scanning the streets. The bus is due in 10 minutes and I know we will sit side by side, as usual, until we get to our neighborhood. I will walk her to her door and hover as long as I can, hoping something will be different this time and she will invite me in, but she won’t. She will give me that fake smile, thank me and let herself into her apartment. I will hear the click of the deadbolt being turned back and once more she will shut me out of her life. I’m so in love with her it hurts, but no matter how hard I try she won’t let me in.
“Hey,” I say, “How was your day?”
“Fine, I guess,” she says.
I sit down next to her on the bench to wait for the bus. I open my mouth to try and get more out of her but before I can speak her phone starts going off. She pulls it out and looks at the screen to see whose calling and whatever she sees makes her turn pale white. I notice her hand shaking and I know that whoever is calling, is not someone she wants to talk with.
“Hello,” she says.
I can hear a male voice coming from the speaker but I can’t understand what he is saying. She turns her back to me and listens to whoever is calling.
“No,” she says. “No, I will take care of it, I promise.”
I hear the male voice again, this time louder and I can tell that whoever it is, is angry. Hearing someone speaking that loudly to her and watching her shake makes me angry and I fight the urge to rip the phone away from her and tell whoever is speaking to fuck off.
“Please, no. Look, I’m sorry, just don’t…” she says and I can tell she’s starting to cry. “…don’t come here. I’m going to take care of it. It’s my fault and I am going to fix it, I promise.”
She is full on crying now and she has started rocking.
“No!” she pleads into the phone. “No, I’m not avoiding you, I promise. I just have a lot going on, but don’t worry about this. I’m going to handle it before the day is over.”
The bus is approaching now, and I stand up in front of her to kind of protect her from anyone staring at her when they get off the bus, she hates it when she catches someone looking at her.
“Ok…I’m sorry. I will fix this and then call you later tonight. Okay?” she says and I can hear her trying to catch her breath. “Ok, bye.”
She hangs up with him and stand up just as the bus opens its doors. People spill out onto the sidewalk and I immediately put myself as a barrier between her and them. I don’t want her to feel like anyone is watching her and I don’t want anyone to bump into her either. She hates it when people touch her, and I know that when she’s this worked up, it would feel even more horrific for her than it usually does.
I board the bus first and I can feel her behind me, closer than usual. I move into the back of the bus and sit right beside the window and she surprises me when she sits in the seat right beside me. Usually she puts her bags next to me and sits on the other side of her bags, but today she sits next to me and puts her bags on the other side.
“Thanks,” she says to her feet, once she has settled.
“No problem,” I say. “Wait, what are you thanking me for?” I ask feeling silly. It’s such a southern culture thing to respond to a thank you without even being aware of what you are being thanked for. I hate when people do that, and I’m honestly a little embarrassed by myself for not catching myself.
“Oh, am…for not running off on my when I was on the phone…I know that must have seemed a little dramatic.”
“No, not at all,” I say, shifting in my seat so that my body is turned toward her. “Sounded to me like whoever was talking to you is a jerk. If you need me to beat someone up for you I will.”
She laughs and glances up at me and I see her real smile and my heart swells a little.
“Very funny,” she says, bumping me with her shoulder.”
She touched me. I’m dumbfound, because she never touches me, in fact she goes to strange length not to touch me and now it feels like my heart will explode. Something is different today and now I have to know what. My curiosity about the phone call increases.
“Ha, you think I’m being funny do you?” I say, winking at her. “But the truth is I would take on the world for you.”
I can’t believe I said that. She’s quiet and I can’t blame her. I turn toward the window and place my heated cheek to the cool glass. I know that all of the blood in my body in in my face now and I really want to disappear more than anything right now.
“Um…wow,” she says, finally breaking the silence. “That’s um…well…flattering, I guess…thanks.”
“No problem,” I say to the bus window.
We ride in silence for a few minutes and I can feel her eyes on my back. I can’t believe I said that out loud. After what seems like an eternity I turn back to her and I pray silently that my face isn’t the color of a fire engine anymore.
“Is everything ok?” I ask.
She starts rocking again and picking at her nails. I haven’t seen her like this since the first day I say next to her on this bus. She looks as though she would tear her own skin off if she could. I feel a strong desire to put my hand on top of her hands and get her to stop. I don’t like watching her hurt herself and it pains me to see her hurting like this. I clench my hands and try and find the right words. I want to make her laugh again but I can’t come up with anything funny to say. Actually what I really want is to hold her, but I know that this would just be way too much so I push myself back toward the wall of the bus.
Finally I decide to go with touching her hands...mostly because I can’t come up with anything to say. I reach over and place my hand on top of her hands. Her hands are soft and warm, which surprises me. Most girls have cold hands, but hers are warm and I like it. Her hands still below mine and I finally get the courage to look at her. I look up into her eyes and see she’s crying. My heart breaks into a bunch of tiny pieces when I see the pain written on her face. She sobs and I cave. I shift myself in my seat and wrap my arms around her and pulls her against my chest and much to my surprise she doesn’t pull away.
“What’s going on?” I ask, squeezing her tight.
“I’m sorry,” she says and she starts pulling away.
“No,” I say and I pull her back. “Don’t apologize to me. Tell me what’s going on. Let me help. Whatever it is I can help, just tell me.”


I pushed my orange hard plastic chair into the corner of the day room. I want nothing to do with these people…nothing.
“David, would you please join us for group?” The fat blonde nurse is talking to me again…I wish she would get the point and leave me alone.
“No,” I say.
“Ok David. Just stay in the day room so we can keep an eye on you.”
An eye on me? I raise my eyebrows and look at her with my best screw you look. I drop down into the chair and shift my knees toward the wall, but I make sure I can keep an eye on the group. I may not want to be in group, but I am going to make sure I can see them…I will not let one of those crazy people sneak up on me.
I am not entirely sure how I ended up here. I was walking down the street and the cop stopped me and asked if I was ok. I was terrified that he was going to shoot me. I know someone is going to kill me, but I just don’t know who it will be. Will it be a stranger? Will it be someone I know and trust? Whoever it is I am sure as hell gonna make sure I give them a run for their money.
I need to call Danna again. She has been worried about me for a while now. My beautiful wife and my perfect little girl are all alone in that little house with no one to protect them and I have to keep checking on her, because I know if I don’t someone is going to hurt them. I hope that whoever is looking for me isn’t going to show up at my house. If they do they might hurt Danna or Charlie, the very thought of it sends a wave of panic through my bad. I shiver and draw up.
“Ok everyone, on a scale from 1 to 10, I would like everyone to tell me how they are feeling this morning. Janna, we will start with you.” The stupid nurse has started group now and I can’t help my curiosity.
“Um…I guess I’m a 5. I don’t really feel one way or another today.” Janna is a slutty looking brunette, with fierce green eyes that tell me she wants me. I don’t want her though; all I can think about is Danna and my little Charlie.
“I wanna go next!” A dark haired buff looking guy, who I think is called Mark , is almost jumping out of his seat with his hand stretched as high as high as he can reach. “I’m a 10!” he says, rocking excitedly.
“That’s great, Mark, but it wasn’t your turn. It was Carrie’s turn,” The nurse doesn’t sound frustrated at all by his rudeness. She sounds completely calm and patient. I would smack him in the face if he did that to me. “Carrie, how are you feeling today?”
Carrie is rocking back and forth too, but it gives a whole different impression. She is twisting her hands in her lap and looks down at the floor.
“A two,” she says, her voice sounds close to tears and I feel empathetic toward her. I have been there; I know what it’s like to feel like a two all the time. Danna worries about me when I get like that, she thinks that I need to see a doctor about it, but I keep telling her I ain’t seeing a shrink.
“Thank you Carrie.” The nurse gives Carrie a small smile. “Mark, you have already gone, so we are gonna ask Sam, Sam how are you feeling today?” she squares her shoulder to Sam. He looks too young to be in this unit. They told me this was the adult unit.
“I’m a 5, like Janna,” he says looking the nurse directly in the eye. He holds her gaze for a moment and then looks out the window. I wonder what he’s thinking.
The nurse turns her body toward me and the little bit of tension that had left my body, while everyone’s attention was elsewhere, returns with a vengeance.
“David, how are you feeling today?” she asks?
I glare at her and give her the finger. She gives me a small smile and turns back to the group. “Thank you all for coming to group this morning. Please hang around in the dayroom, we will be going to breakfast shortly.” She rises up out of her seat and returns to the nurse’s station.
I watch them all get up and move around the room. Mark starts pacing and talking to himself. Everyone once in a while he punches his right hand into his left and curses. Janna and Sam move toward the cushy green chairs set against the other side of the room and sit down. The face one another and start chatting. I wish I knew what they were saying…they might be plotting against me. Carrie is still sitting on the couch in the center of the room, rocking and staring at the floor. There are two couches, a love seat and a TV that form a square, the TV is against a wall on a push cart, like the ones you see in elementary schools when they drag in a TV for movie day. Last night they hooked a Wii to it and encouraged everyone to play it. Mark was the only one and he played baseball. I watched him swinging his arms madly and it scared me to see how strong he is.
I can’t help but worry a little bit about Carrie, a two is pretty bad and I feel like I should go talk to her or something, offer her some encouraging words. As a minister, that is part of my job. The only thing is I haven’t been a very good minister the past two weeks. Charlie was born two weeks ago and ever since that day I have been terrified that something was going to happen to me and I wouldn’t be able to provide for my family anymore. I should have felt that unspeakable joy that most dads feel when their first child is born, but me, I just felt terrified. I don’t provide much for my family as a minister but we get by. I haven’t preached since that day and tomorrow in two days it will have been three weeks since I preached. I can’t help but feel like I’m letting my congregation down. They look to me to set an example, but to be honest I haven’t thought about them much lately, my only thought has been of saving my life and the lives of my darlings.
I push myself up and shuffle toward Carrie. She doesn’t look up at me, but I know she hears me coming. She really is beautiful, blonde hair, curvy figure with nice big breasts. Hey, I’m a minister, but I’m not dead…I know a beautiful creation of God when I see one. Even though she’s gorgeous, I feel no attraction toward her, there is only one love of my life and right now she is home alone trying to take care of Charlie. Guilt washes over me as I think of her trying to take care of our daughter all by herself. I should be there helping her, making sure she gets enough sleep and taking shifts watching over Charlie.
“Hi, I’m Pastor David,” I say stretching out my hand for her to shake. She glances up at me, but doesn’t take my hand; instead she rocks harder, as though my presence makes her anxious. I sit down beside her and try to think of something to say.
“Why are you sitting beside me?” It took me a second to realize she had asked me a question. In the few seconds that had passed since I sat down I had gotten caught up with checking to make sure no one was sneaking up on me.
“I just thought I would see if I could cheer you up a little bit,” I say smiling at her. She glances up at me for a millisecond and then looks back at the floor and resumes her rocking. “I’m sorry you feel like a two. If it means anything to ya, I have been there.” She doesn’t respond; she just keeps rocking. “Me and my wife just had our first child, her name is Charlie, she’s beautiful. Do you have any children?” She shakes her head. “Children are great. My and Danna have been trying for years now, and just when we thought it wasn’t meant to be, BAM, she was pregnant. We were so excited we went out and bought a crib that same day.” I see a tiny smile play around her lips. That makes me feel good and I lean back into the couch. “I’m worried about them. They are alone in my house, and I can’t help but be afraid that whoever is after me is gonna show up there and end up hurting them.”
“Someone’s after you?” she asks, turning her face up to me with a surprised look on her face. “Why would anyone be after you?”
“It’s persecution of a man of God…they want to hurt me because I worship the one true God,” I say, admitting this truth for the third time in the past 24 hours.
The first time was to the cop who found me hiding behind the dumpster on Airport Rd. He asked me what I was doing back there, so I told him. I told him that the end times are approaching and there is persecution against the children of God. I told him I am a minister and they are going to kill me. I said that I would happily die as a martyr, but my wife just had our first born child and I need to be around to usher them through the hard times that are approaching. He said he would take me somewhere safe but he took me here instead. He had a conversation with a suspicious looking woman behind a sliding glass window and then they took me to a room and asked a bunch of silly question. I explained the situation again and I told them that if this was a safe place they needed to bring my wife and baby here too. They said they couldn’t do that, they told me I would be safe here but that my wife and baby were in no danger and that they would be perfectly ok. They said she could come and see me, but my Charlie wouldn’t be able to come. I told them that I couldn’t stay here, that I needed to protect my wife and new born, but they said that I had to stay. I’m being held prisoner, just like Paul in the Bible. Everyone in here is being held prisoner.
I asked them where I was at and a somber looking lady in scrubs told me I was at Laurelwood. I felt sick. I told her Laurelwood was a mental hospital and that I wasn’t crazy, that I was just in danger. She said she understood, but that she thinks I should stay here a little while. She told me again that I was safe here. I asked if I had a choice and she said she was afraid not and then that was that. I gave up, I guess I am as safe here as I am anywhere else, but I sure hope that my congregation doesn’t find out I’m in the looneybin.
“Oh,” she says, and I see pity in her eyes. “Are you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure,” I say. “And isn’t someone after you too, I mean isn’t that why you’re here?”
She looks back at the floor and starts twisting her hands again, her right sleeve slid up her arm a little bit and that’s when I saw that her wrist was wrapped in thick gauze. I shift my gaze to her other wrist and could see a little bit of white sticking.
“They got you didn’t they,” I say gesturing to her wrists.
She doesn’t look at me but I hear her say “No.”
“Then how did that happen?” I ask.
“I did it,” she whispers to the floor.
“Oh,” I say, and I don’t know what else to say so I tell her “I’m sorry.”
She shrugs and keeps twisting her hands. She goes back to rocking as I lean back against the couch. I take a good look around, taking inventory of the room and where everyone is…I know I have to keep a close eye on everyone just in case this place isn’t as safe as all these nurses keeps telling me it is.
“Everyone line up for breakfast,” says the blonde nurse. Everyone in the room starts lining up facing the only exit out of the room. A few people that didn’t show up to group shuffle forward to get in line. I watch everyone line up and then go get in the back of the line so I can keep a check on everyone. This dark haired man in scrubs stands behind me and I jerk around to look at him.
“It’s ok David,” he says holding up his hands, “I’m not going to hurt you.”
He has a kind face and I let some of the tension leave my body. I give him a small nod, but I turn myself at an angle so I can see him and the group.

Breakfast passed pretty uneventful. I didn’t eat much, I picked at my food mostly. The food I did eat wasn’t too bad. Honestly I was kind of impressed with the selection: eggs, bacon, cereal, oatmeal and an option of a fruit bowl. But for the most part I was keeping an eye out on everyone.
“David?” the nurse from the back of the line is back, “I’m Trey, I’ve been asked to take you to see the doctor; will you walk with me?”
“Doctor, why do I need to see a doctor?” I ask.
“Everyone here has to see a doctor, it’s just standard procedure. I think you will like him, his name is Dr. Collins. He is a very kind man and I promise he won’t hurt you.”
I look at Trey for a moment. He seems honest enough and he’s the first person I’ve met in this place that doesn’t seem like an immediate threat.
“Ok,” I say and stand up to follow him.
He puts a code into the only exit and holds the door open for me to walk through. He walks halfway down and long hall and turns right onto a shorter hall. I stride along behind him, turning my head back and forth just to make sure we aren’t being followed. He stops at a door on the right at the end of the short hall and knocks.
“Come in,” says a deep voice.
We walk in an a middle aged white man with salt and pepper hair stands up and walks around a desk and extends his hand to me.
“I’m Dr. Collins, and you must be Mr. Mitchell.”
He waits patiently for me to shake his hand but I don’t move. There is no way in heaven or hell I’m shaking this man’s hand. He’s freaking huge! There is no way he’s shorter than six and a half feet and he looks strong too. I feel frozen in place, panic courses through every part of me and I take a step back on reflex.
“Are you good?” Trey asks, looking at the doctor.
“Yes,” he says, “We will be fine won’t we Mr. Mitchell?”
I open my mouth the protest but I can’t get a word out. I turn and look at Trey and beg him with my eyes not to leave me alone in here with this man. Trey smiles and squeezes my shoulder and leaves, closing the door softly behind him.
“Why don’t we take a seat?” Dr. Collins says.
I can’t move. I just stand there staring at him. He gives me a small smile and sits down in a big, green cushy chair across from a small matching sofa. I notice he has a notepad and a pen. He leans forward slightly in his chair as if he’s waiting for me to do something.
“I would tell you that I’m not going to hurt you, but something tells me you wouldn’t believe me,” he says, “I would really like it if you would have a seat and let me prove to you that I mean no harm.”
I finally find my legs and take the few steps to the couch to sit down.
“Thank you Mr. Mitchell. May I call you David, or do you prefer Mr. Mitchell?” he asks.
“David is fine,” I mumble. I am taking quick shallow breathes and I feel myself shaking. I do not feel like a man at all right now. The idea of how pathetic I am makes my stomach clench.
“Ok David, I would like to ask you some questions, would that be ok?”
I nod. I have a bad feeling about this, and I clench my fists tight pushing my arms tightly to my legs.
He started asking me about what was going on in my life right now, so I told him about Charlie and how excited I was to finally have a daughter. We had been trying for years and when we had finally given up was w finally when Danna and I finally conceived. He asked about my mood and I told him I felt great…except for the fact that someone was after me. He nodded and took interest in that. He asked who I thought was after me and I told him that I wasn’t sure, but I knew they were coming and I needed to protect Danna and Charlie. He asked why I thought someone was after me, so I told him about the end times and the persecution of Christians. I begin to relax a little, it seemed he believed me well enough and so far no one else had looked like they believed me.
“Have you ever felt depressed?” he asks.
“I guess by definition yes, but I have had times that I felt that way for years…it always passes and then I feel normal, sometimes even better than normal, but everyone is sad sometimes and everyone can be really happy sometimes too.”
 “How are you sleeping?” he asks.
“Well, to be honest I don’t really need to sleep nor do I want to. If I close my eyes then I am vulnerable and someone could sneak up on me…I have to stay vigilant,” I say.
“I understand,” he says.
He asks a bunch of ridiculous questions too, like if I am seeing or hearing things other people say aren’t real. I laugh and tell him I’m not crazy. He nods and scribbles on his notepad.
“Well David, I think we need to talk about the possibility that you might have bipolar disorder,” he says.
“What?” I say, thinking I must have misunderstood. “I don’t have bipolar disorder. I’m not crazy.”
“David you aren’t crazy at all, but I do think that you are having some difficulties…would you disagree?”
“My difficulty is that someone is going to kill me.”
“David, no one is after you, no one is going to kill you. I am certain of this. You see bipolar disorder means you have significant mood swings that have an impact on your life. These times when you have been sad on and off for years, did these occurrences make life difficult?
“I guess so. I mean I have trouble preaching when I get like that, and Danna always worries about me.”
“Do these mood swings worry you?”
“I guess so…I mean I need to do my job and I feel terrible and like I shouldn’t be preaching in the first place…like no one needs to hear what I have to say if I can’t even get out of the bed.”
“Does Danna have anything to say about when you get really happy?”
“Well…kinda…she complains that I talk too much and she gets irritated with me because she can’t understand me, she tells me to slow down and take a breath. But I have preached some of my best sermons when I’m like that and she recognizes my genius at those times.”
“David, you are describing bipolar disorder exactly. When people with bipolar disorder are manic they don’t need a lot of sleep, if any and they can be very creative and energetic. People that are in this kind of mood often times talk very fast, their thoughts race, they participate in risky behavior like reckless spending and some of them can have a very strong sex drive. Sometimes people who become manic they have symptoms such as paranoia, in which they believe someone is following them or out to hurt them. Does any of this sound familiar?”
I seem to have lost my voice again. He just described some of the best times of my life exactly. Danna and I got in a huge argument one time when I bought a Porsche. I took out a loan and used all of our savings to do it. Now that I think about it, that was definitely reckless spending and we ended up selling it, but we are still paying that loan back. And our sex life is amazing when I’m like that. It’s like I can’t get enough of her. I look up at Dr. Collins; he’s leaning forward watching me patiently as a mull this over. I put my head in my hands, I suddenly don’t feel too good, maybe I am crazy.
“Are you ok, David” he asks, startling me.
I suddenly realize I’m shaking and I glance around the room to make sure no one is hiding in the corner waiting to jump out at me, and then I realize what I’m doing. I look back at him for a second and then look at my hands. This can’t be real…I can’t be crazy. What about Danna and Charlie, I can’t be crazy and raise my daughter. What kind of father would I be? What if I lost it and hurt her? I feel moisture in my eyes and there is a lump in my throat.
“I’m crazy,” I whisper to the floor.
“No David, you are not crazy. Having a mental illness does not mean you’re crazy. In fact I think you are an incredible intelligent man and a loving husband and father.”
“What about Danna and Charlie, how do I go home and tell them this. How do I raise my daughter like this…I don’t want to hurt her of Danna…if I got this bipolar disorder, I have to be a danger to them.”
“David, I don’t believe for a second that you would hurt your wife or new born. I think you care greatly about them; you lit up like a Christmas tree when I asked you about them. And I think your wife will understand. From what you have told me she has been concerned about your wellbeing for years now. With that in mind I think she will be relieved that we now know what’s going on with you. And the even better news is that this is a manageable illness. There are medications that can help keep you level. I think if you let me help you we can get this under control and you can live a relatively normal life.”
“Medications? What kind of medications?”
“I would like to start you on a mood stabilizer. The most common one is lithium; however the level of lithium in your body has to be closely monitored, so you would have to periodically get your blood checked to make sure your level isn’t too high.”
“I hate needles,” I say. “Is that the only option? Can’t we try something else?”
We talk a while longer. He tells me about several different medications that have been proven to work well as mood stabilizers. He said if I was against Lithium that we could try another mood stabilizer but if we go that route he would like to put me on an antipsychotic to try and get the paranoia under control and better manage my manic episode. I am in a daze as he talks. I try and listen but the longer I sit there the more anxious I get. In the end he decides to put me on Lamitrogen and Abilify. He said Abilify can also have good results with depression so it may also help out with the depressive espisode. I don’t really say anything to him as we walk back to the unit. I have been pretty quiet for the past, however long it’s been. I nodded and say yes and no when it was appropriate but outside of that I haven’t really spoken. I feel like my world has crashed down around me, and for the love of God I still feel like someone is following me and even though I try and tell myself it’s just in my head I can’t help but look behind us as we walk. Fear grips my heart as he opens the door to the unit.
“I will see you tomorrow, ok David?” he says.

The past two days have passed in a blur; I finally slept last night, first time in about a week, and I am finally able to eat a little, but I still can’t shake the feeling that someone is after me. I keep telling myself it’s just in my head but I can’t quit believe myself. Dr. Collins says it can take a while for the medications to work and the effects would come on subtly. I asked how long I would have to stay here and he said maybe in another week we would see how I was doing and perhaps talk about going home.
I’ve been seeing a counselor here, she’s nice but I don’t trust her. I feel stupid sitting in her office and trying to talk about my life to her. She has talked to me about setting a routine for my life. Things like scheduling sleep, exercise and work. She says that if I get a routine and stick to it that it can go a long way in managed my illness.
I’m slowly adjusting to the idea of bipolar disorder being a part of my life. I’m not gonna lie and say it’s easy…honestly when I really think about it, it’s kind of devastating. I don’t know how I am going to face my congregation knowing I’m like this. How many times have I preached that mental illness is not a real illness? How many times have I stood behind my pulpit and told the members of my church that prayer and patience is the solution to depression and mental illness. I feel like such a hypocrite. I’ve been thinking about quitting and calling dad up to see if he can get me a job in his construction company.
Danna is finally coming to see me today. She had to find someone to watch Charlie, seeing as she can’t bring Charlie in here, and it has taken a while to find someone we trust to do it. I asked her not to tell anyone where I am. I don’t want anyone to know that I’m locked up in this place. Everyone knows what Laurelwood is and if they find out I’m here then I will never be able to face my congregation again, that is if I do decide to keep preaching.
I miss my girls a lot. I really wanna see them both, but I guess getting to see Danna will have to be enough for now.
Trey comes to get me when it’s time to go see Danna. I have kind of taken a liking to him. He’s a Christian and takes the time to ask me how I’m feeling and he really listens to me. He has a wife and two little girls. He tells me stories about taking them to the park and seeing them play in the mud. I laugh as I picture two little girls running up to him covered in mud. Talking to Trey makes me feel normal, which is something I haven’t felt since my first conversation with Dr. Collins.
Danna is sitting in at a little table in the center of the cafeteria. There are a few other patients around talking to their visitors but I only have eyes for her. She has her red hair pinned up in a bun and there are little fly away pieces falling around her face. She smiles when our eyes meet and I feel my heart pick up pace. She stands up and moves around to the other side of the table, stretching out her arms to hug me. I want to run to her, but I don’t want to alarm anyone, so I take fast long strides toward her. I wrap my arms around her, kiss her hair and rest my head next to her. I don’t ever want to let her go.
She pulls back and looks up at me. Her eyes are brimmed with tears and I feel my heart break.
“Baby, please don’t cry,” I say, my voice cracks as I fight back my own tears. “I’m so sorry…I’m sorry.”
“No…no, don’t apologize, I’m just so happy your ok. I was so scared that you were hurt when you didn’t come home. I love you so much, I could bear the thought of you lying in a ditch somewhere,” she says, wiping her eyes.
I run my hands down her arms to her waist. She still has her baby weight, which honestly makes her even sexier to me.
“I love you too,” I say. I give her a small smile and gesture to the table, “let’s have a seat.”

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