Maybe my expectations are a little high.
Maybe it’s a mistake to shoot for the stars and hope you
What do you think?
Do you believe that a yearning for high places should be
Do you think that longing for the best is not the way you
should be?
Maybe that’s true, but I try to think of all the good that can exist; it's called possibility.
You see…I try and expect the best out of people.
I expect people’s attempts not to be feeble.
If you want to win me over you have to try your best,
But some people think that this way of thinking should be
put to rest.
I know that sometimes we are forced to settle,
And I am coming to realize that high hopes are making me sort
of a rebel.
But is being a rebel all that bad?
Is choosing improvement over the mundane really a drag?
So go on , I know you want to tell me what you think, so don’t hold back your truth,
Tell me why you believe my way of thinking is truly obtuse.
But to be honest, your opinion doesn’t really matter.
All of your negativity isn’t anything but a bunch of
So maybe my way of thinking is truly insane,
But positivity is where I am choosing to remain.
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