Abuse. Sometimes the memories are overwhelming.
Sometimes it feels as though my soul is melting.
Other times I’m as alive as I’ve ever been,
But sometimes I’m overwhelmed by the sins of other men.
You see, I know I’ve been through some things,
But I’m learning to find strength in those breathe taking
Sometimes it feels like I’m still there,
But I will move from victim to survivor to thriver; this I
One day I will speak of these things without the pain.
One day I will use these things so that others can gain.
Gain a life that I know that they deserve,
Move past their own past and pain to a life of the
The unreserved passion and joy that I know this world has,
I’m starting to find it, I’m learning to bask.
Baskin in the peace that God sends to me,
It’s there for you too, if you can only look and see.
So maybe you know me and the things I’ve gone through,
Maybe you don’t and you had not a clue.
No matter which category you fall,
Just know that I’m well, and I’m having a ball.
Cause I’m finding that I’m stronger than I thought,
I’m finding that I have the power to overcome the
So with I nervous heart I make this post,
And hope that someone else can find a little hope.
I like it.... It is good to rise above the negativity in life and see the brighter side of it. We are all human, and we all thrive for different reasons. Some positive, and some negative. Its the harmony we instill in ourselves that shines above all else for all to see within out hearts and souls. Shine, smile and love yourself!!!