
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.”
-Maya Angelou

"I write only because there is a voice within me that will not be still."
-Sylvia Plath

"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world."
-Robin Williams

Blurred Vision or Burning with Urination

I thought I would tell a slightly humorous story for once. While I was in the hospital back in April one of my medications was causing me to have blurry vision. Well every morning they hand out these papers to all the patients and there is a section where you can check off different symptoms you may be experiencing that day. Well, I had been circling blurred vision for several days at that time and I guess my blurry vision got the best of me because I unknowingly circled “burning with urination,” instead of “blurred vision.” Which in case you didn’t know…the two look just a like when you can’t see very well in the first darn place.

Well, I turned my paper in and went about my day. Well, around lunch time the nurse called me and handed me a cup and informed me she needed a urine sample. Now, I have been in the hospital quite a few times by this point, and they don’t ask for urine samples except for when you first get there. So, I asked her what for? She told me the doctor ordered it because I checked “burning with urination,” on my morning chart. I told her I didn’t, but she calmly pulled out me paper and showed me where I did. I informed her that I was fine in that department and that I had been trying to circle “blurred vision.” I told her there was no sense in me giving a sample because I was fine.

Then it got interesting. She tried to insist I do it anyways. She told me it had already been ordered and that I should just do it. I told her it was a waste of time and resources to do it. She got an attitude with me then and asked if I was refusing. I told her I was and went on about my day. I was getting out the next day and didn’t feel like dealing with it. What made it even more interesting was when I saw my doctor and he asked why I had refused, he made the comment that he had to cancel it so that it wouldn’t look like I was be uncooperative.

All that drama because I circled that wrong thing. Damn that blurry vision. Oh and in case you were wondering we adjusted some stuff and my vision is fine now. I hope this gave you a chuckle,

Love, Randi

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