
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.”
-Maya Angelou

"I write only because there is a voice within me that will not be still."
-Sylvia Plath

"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world."
-Robin Williams

I Fall

I stood at the edge of a cliff.
I stood there, toes clinging to the edge.
I stood there, heart pounding against my ribs.
I stood there, wind rushing through my hair.
I stood there, every cell within me on end,
And I jumped.

My lungs are airless,
My stomach has jumped to my throat.
My body falls with gravity’s promise.
My body is weightless as I plummet.
My future has many questions,
But I have faith.

You promised you would catch me,
You promised no harm would come,
You promised I would be safe,
You promised a beautiful tomorrow,
You promised I would overcome,
So I place my life with you.

With you I am safe,
With you I am sound,
With you I am sane,
With you I am whole,
With you I give my all,
And I pray as I fall

I Fall
I Fal

To: The Broken Hearted, From: God

My child,

I love you. I cannot say it enough, because I know you can never hear it enough. I love you. I watch you every day and I see you for the beauty you truly are. I see those flaws, those beautiful flaws, and I see your broken heart. The wounds of the heart and mind run the deepest, my darling. And if your wounds presented themselves physically, people would rush to your aid. But alas, that is not how it is. So I stand by your side every moment. I catch those tears as they fall from your cheeks. I place my hand upon your heart, in the hope that you feel the comfort of my presence. And I ache with you. I feel each of those breath taking waves of sorrow with you. I lay next to you and cry with you, as you fall apart once again. And I want you to know, I’m right here. I love you, my child, and I’m right here. Just remember this is only a season. I know it hurts, I know more than anyone how much it hurts, but you can get through this. You won’t be the same though. No one can hurt as much as you and come out on the other side the same person. But don’t worry, it will be for the better that you will change. One day you will smile more, laugh harder and love deeper because of this pain. You will have empathy for the broken hearted that others cannot. But for now take comfort in my presence. I’m right here. I’m by your side. I’m hurting with you. I love you. So let me hold you. Lean into my arms and feel the warmth of my presence. Let me kiss your head and soothe your aching soul. Let me love you,



It’s been a while since my last post and it’s honestly been because I have been at a loss of words for what has been going on. It’s been an emotional rollercoaster. My hallucinations have gone away but my moods are still very unstable. Today alone I have gone from depressed, to frustrated to the point of tears, to angry to the point of screaming, to depressed to the point of sobbing. This has been my life for the past few months. There is no slight mood changes in my life. If I am happy, I’m over the top, if I’m sad, I’m sobbing in tears…this is the reality of a mixed episode.

Another thing about having a mixed episode is that sometimes it can be very confusing. It means that yes, you do have quick mood shifts, but sometimes you can experience different mood symptoms all at once. The most common experience for me is the racing thoughts that come with mania, with the overwhelming sorrow of depression. This means that not only do you feel devastatingly sad, but your thoughts are coming so fast that it’s hard to form a sentence.

And I’m so freaking tired. All of this emotional rollercoaster stuff is exhausting. I had a really emotional week a while back and I ended up getting sick. Between the stress of that week and the lack of sleep, my immune system just couldn’t hold up. It’s amazing the strain that stress can put on the body.

And now a close friend of mine is hurting in a way that I cannot possibly fathom. Her heart has been crushed and I want nothing more than to hold her and make it all go away but I can’t. So I sit with her and talk with her and just try and be there, because I know nothing more than to do.

But we were talking tonight and I told her that she won’t be the same. Because you don’t come back from that kind of pain the same way you went in. I know. I have hurt so much in the past few years of my life and I know that I am so different now than when I first went in. But the thing is, I think I’ve changed for the better. I still hurt, a lot. More than the average, at least that’s what people tell me. But I like to think I’m better for it. I like to believe I’m stronger and more compassionate because of it.

Tonight when I spoke with my friend on the phone I told her to take it one day at a time. I told her to be patient with herself. But sometimes we extend that kind of grace to other, but not to ourselves. I know I’m guilty. I spend so much time being there for other people, that a lot of times I neglect myself. I tell my friends that I’m there for them, that I will be right there by their side if they need me to be. I know that if this one particular friend called at 3 in the morning, and said “I need you,” I would be knocking down her door in 10 minutes. But I don’t give myself the same compassion. I feel that pain well up inside of me and I tell myself to quiet down. I tell myself to stop being silly, to stop feeling sorry for myself, to shut up and get over it. Maybe this isn’t the solution…maybe I should give myself the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it’s ok to curl up and cry for a little while. In fact maybe it would be easier if I just let myself cry, instead of fighting the tears, to the point where I scrap the skin off the back of my hands. So I’m going to take my own advice:

  1. Take it one day at a time.
  2. Be patient with myself.
  3. Don’t take on too much at once.
  4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  5. And it’s ok to cry.

Love, Randi

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