Rats and Sink Holes and Twins, Oh My!

A week ago I forgot my antipsychotic. I was a little concerned when I realized it the next morning, but as the day went on I felt like I was in the clear. I mean sure I didn’t sleep much the night before, but I wasn’t hallucinating or thinking I could fly so I felt like I had dodged a bullet. And then the next day happened...
There were rats in the ceiling. FREAKING RATS…AT SCHOOL…DURING CLASS…IN THE CEILING...RATS! I don’t know how long I stared at the ceiling in terror but eventually I had the notion to look at everyone else and see if they were as freaked out by all those rats as I was. But they weren’t looking at the ceiling in horror…they were talking and facing forward, participating in class. Ok, I told myself. They aren’t there. There’re not there, I told myself. I gripped the table and rocked and tried to push the noise of all those paws out of my mind, but the sound was becoming deafening. I got up and went to the bathroom and focused on slowing my breathing and listening to that ticking app on my phone that I downloaded on my phone…counting 5 seconds in and 5 seconds out. When I went back the rats were gone. I thought, ok…I’m good now.

Everything was fine until that night. I was up late and I came into the kitchen to get something to drink to take my meds before going to bed. When I entered the kitchen I heard the floorboards creaking but the creaking wasn’t under my feet so it didn’t make sense that there was so much creaking. I turned and looked toward the living room and had to double take what I saw…there was a freaking sink hole in the living room! My entire living room was sliding down into a kind of vortex looking sink hole. It made no sense and I told myself immediately it wasn’t real…but I couldn’t help my curiosity. I laid down on the floor and inched myself toward the sink hole and tried to stick my hand in it but I couldn’t get my hand to touch it, so I proceeded to lay on the floor and just stare at this sink hole…it was so weird and I was both scared and mesmerized. When I got tired I went to bed. In the morning the sink hole was gone. The rest of the day I was fine.

Then Monday came around and halfway through my therapy session I was having trouble deciding which one of my therapists I should pay attention to...because suddenly there were two of him…it was weird and so I spent most of my session shifting my focus between the nice talking therapist and the mean talking therapist. I was pretty sure the nice one was the one that was real…but I couldn’t quit ignore the other one...he was rather persistent...and really mean. After deciding the nice one had to be the real one I managed to tell my therapist towards the end of the session that there were two of him and that this was why I was having trouble interacting with him. (I have to give my therapist credit for at least noticing that I wasn't all there while in session.) He thought it was funny and made light of it and it kind of made me angry because the other one of him was being really ugly to me...and kind of upsetting me. I told my therapist I didn't think it was funny and he got kind of quite and back off. After session the other one of him followed me around for a few hours after I left the office talking nasty crap about me and calling me names and just being a general bully but eventually he went away while I was driving to go swim laps. And I’ve been fine since then.

So I missed one dosage and had three hallucinations…but I managed not to lose it completely. Needless to say I have been taking that med on time every day. I have a timer that goes off on my phone at the appropriate time and then I keep some in a bottle in my purse in case I’m not at home when I need it. But there was no hiding in my closet, or talking to the voices, or arguing with demons and any of that.

But what surprised me so much was how much it threw me off when I missed just one dosage. I feel kind of shook up about how big of an effect missing one dosage had. So my little oops, I forgot moment turned into half a week’s worth of worrying that I was on the way to the hospital again. Because that is the very last thing I need. I mean things are starting to turn around. I should be moving out in a few weeks…a big step in me becoming the adult I should have been years ago, and I got another contract lined up as a telephone interviewer starting in July, and oh yeah, I have started earning my masters in clinical mental health counseling. So even though I had a rough week…hallucinating and all…things are still looking up. So I hope you all have a great day...and don't forget your meds...

Love, Randi


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