You ever meet someone and almost immediately love them? I experienced
that today. I went to my weekly weight loss appointment and met a new doctor.
Within maybe two minutes she had won me over. She was, of course, quizzical about
my mental health history. She also recognized the struggle that my medications
make for me, in regards to losing weight. But, it was more than just a Q &
A thing with her…you could tell she cared…and as you guys, my readers, know…finding
a physician the truly cares is like finding a ruby in a two ton bag of cow
We talked for what was longer than necessary and honestly
just enjoyed a conversation with one another. I told her about this blog and
she actually asked for the address…which I excitedly gave her. But to be
completely honest, everyone in that office is nice. Every week when I walk in,
I’m met by a stream of hellos and how are yous. They know me by name, but
honestly that’s not unusual for me…I always get a warm welcome from the office
staff where my psychiatrist and therapist are too. They actually tell me I’m
one of their favorite patients…and I believe them…because I’ve seen them all
bend over backwards to help me. In times of crisis they’ve all rushed to my
aid. My last mental breakdown happened in my psychiatrists/therapists office
and I wound up on the floor sobbing. My therapist and psychiatrist where right
there for me, and so was the office staff. One reportedly said she really just
wanted to take me home with her. And another one got on the floor with me and helped
talk me down a little. And I’m all up in their personal are the
kids…let me see that engagement ring again…their Halloween costumes are so
freaking cute…you went to Ikea for your anniversary…happy birthday…show me the
dress pics…how long before you graduate…how many of those energy drink have you
drank this time today? If they were reading this they would all know in turn
which one I was talking about.
But finding these two offices that have great staff and
physicians hasn’t been an easy task. I have seen some turds that’s for sure. I
met one lady that thought I had multiple personalities once because I spoke
quieter than usual one time. I met one doctor that informed me of how horrible
my previous doctor was and proceeded to change just about everything about my
medicine…even though I was perfectly fine before she made the changes. I had
one office lady that was rude to me because I was upset that she was a week
behind in getting my refill prescription to the drugstore. (I’m sorry that you
didn’t do your job a week ago and now I’m out of medication. Oh, and by all
means please be rude to a mentally ill patient who is un-medicated because of
your incompetence and then be surprised when they respond in a “not-so-nice”
manner.) But seriously, sometimes I wonder why these people are doing what they
are doing. When you sit in front of one and you wonder about the mental competence
of the physician looking at you, there might be an issue. I had one lady
charge me fifty dollars because I got a migraine and could not come to my
appointment and had to reschedule. I might could understand a no show charge if
she hadn’t rescheduled me for her own needs twice in the first damn place. And
when a therapist or physician you trust has something negative to say about colleague
you’re be seeing, or might see…you might wanna pay attention.
My therapist accidently slipped one day, it was so subtle
that he didn’t even notice it himself at the time, but he slipped about one of his
colleagues not being a very good person. This should have sent me a red flag…especially
knowing how guarded he is about his personal feelings about basically
everything, but I ignored basic reasoning and ended up getting bit in the ass
about it. Later on, when I was no longer seeing this doctor, he came clean
about how bad off this individual was and that they were actually retiring and
that I wasn’t the first one to have issues with this individual. I laughed and
made reference to his previous slip…to which he responded that he thought he
might be getting too comfortable around me.
So back to my point. If you happen to come across a good
doctor…let your friends and family know! Brag about it, because you have truly
found a treasure. And these few good physicians deserve good word of mouth…I
mean it’s word of mouth that can truly make or break people anyways.
So here’s
my shout out to the good people of Medi Weightloss in Raleigh, NC and Wilson
Psychiatric Associates in Wilson, NC. You guys are awesome and I don’t know
what I’d do without you all!
If you’ve got a shout out, leave it in the comments…God
knows we could all use better physicians in our lives!
Love, Randi
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