
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.”
-Maya Angelou

"I write only because there is a voice within me that will not be still."
-Sylvia Plath

"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world."
-Robin Williams

We Needed a Chill Pill

I totally lost it last week. I’ve been on edge for a while. I feel like a failure after having to move back in with my parents, and I guess I finally snapped.

A few months ago I met an individual whom was in need of a friend. I helped her through her time in need…against my better judgment. She was in a psychiatric hospital and I allowed her to borrow a few of my books. Now if you don’t know me I have to tell you something about myself: you don’t come between me and my books. I find literature very comforting and I am very fond and much attached to all of my books. If I lend you one of my books I expect you to treat it with great care. I expect the book to be returned to me in the same shape that it was sent out and I expect the books to be retuned in a timely manner. This means that if you have had one book for more than three months and you haven’t read it yet, then you probably aren’t going to read it and it’s time to return it.
Well this person had kept my books for two months and was finding every excuse under the sun to not return them to me. She lived about 30 minutes from my apartment and I offered to meet her halfway. I made numerous attempts to retrieve my books and in the end I even volunteered to go and get them from her apartment. Eventually, I hit a boiling point.

My best friend was with me in Raleigh, wrapping up some things with my move back to my parents and I was texting and calling this individual multiple time in an attempt to either meet her or go to her place to get the books. She was not responding at all and my temper flared. We made the joint decision to tempt fate and go to her place and try and see if she was there, or a roommate was there and could get the books from them. Once we arrived I told my friend that I couldn’t go up there because if I saw her I was going to hurt her…and I was serious.

Now, I know you guys are seeing this as an overreaction…and to some of you that may be true, but you have to remember the stress I was already under and the previous two months that I had been trying to retrieve my books already. So, my friend went up to the apartment and I waited in the car.
And I waited and waited and waited and my friend didn’t return. And I actually started getting worried. My already furious mind started thinking that this girl may hurt my friend, so I got my phone and called my buddy’s phone…and she didn’t pick up. So, I began to ready myself for a march up to that apartment to punch this girl in the throat. But before I could get out of the car my friend texted me and saved this girl and myself from a cat fight. Finally my friend came down with the books and now she was pissed. And before I could leave my phone dinged and that stupid b&%*% texted my phone and called me a stalked…and the circuits fried and I saw red. My friend just kept saying let’s go, let’s go and finally I realized that if I didn’t me and my buddy were going to beat that girl senseless.

And I took one of my chill pills and I gave one to my friend (don’t judge us). We both slowly calmed down and went to a bookstore…because bookstores make everything better. :)

So, would love to tell you that once I reached that boiling point and blew up yelling and screaming about my books and that jerk of a whore, (I still may have a few issues with her) that I’m back to my normal level, but honestly I feel like my nerves are raw all the time. People are getting on my nerves more so than usual.

So all in all, moving back in with your parents sucks. You get use to things the way you want them and then suddenly you have to go back to doing everything their way. Go to bed at this time, don’t leave your glass there, clean your room, no you can’t have any of my peanut butter…blah, blah, blah. But this too shall pass…it’s just now would be nice. Until next time,

Love, Randi


I hate sleeping at night. The darkness threatens to consume me with the echos of all my fears both past and present. I can hardly stand it. No amount of medication will prevent me from waking up terrified at one point or another. I. Hate. It. But unfortunately it's inevitable. Night is going to come and there is nothing I can do to stop it. So, I turn the TV low and watch Rugrats. I tiptoe around the house, cringing with every noise the floorboards create. I try my hardest to be quiet because I know that as much as I hate sleeping at night...there are three other people in this home that really do enjoy sleeping while the moon is in the sky. And my nighttime adventures have lead to more than one heated conversation. I don't want to keep them awake...but I don't want the other option either. They think I'm crazy and that I'm setting myself up for failure. And if truth be told I would cooperate...but I don't want the other option either. Honestly I wouldn't sleep at all if it were humanly possible. I have nightmares and panic attacks when I sleep during the day too...it's just easier to calm back down when the sun is lighting up your surroundings.

So here's the my dilemma. Night? Or day? Either way I gotta sleep. Do I sacrifice the little bit of comfort I find in daytime sleep...or do I relish in the smaller amount of time it takes to calm down in daylight. Do I wake terrified in darkness...clawing at my skin to calm down, or do I allow the other three occupants of this household a little more quiet to aid their beauty sleep? I wish I could tell you I'm that selfless. That I would willingly give up the small bit of sanity that I get from sleeping with the sun....but I'm not that selfless...and I'm not proud of it.

So my appologies to the other occupants of this household. I'll try and keep it down...but I'm just not strong enough to give you what your asking for. I hope you will forgive me.

Love, Randi

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