I want to talk to you guys about suicide today. I recently
overheard a story that gave me great concern for a person’s well being. Not
only was there suicidal thoughts but there were plans to carry out suicide and
there were even some actions towards carrying out said plan…twice…but each time
the plan was interrupted. I can only thank God that this person is alive. When
this person finally told someone about what was going on in their life the
individual talked to this persona and prayed with this person until they felt
that this person was in a better place. Now, that MIGHT have been ok if this
person was ONLY having suicidal THOUGHTS…but this person had suicidal plans, a
means to carry out said plans, and had actually taken actions to carry out said
plans…TWICE! Now as I was sitting there listening to this story…well it scarred
the crap out of me that this person was not under psychiatric care…because that
is what that person needs.
Having suicidal thoughts is not a good thing, but it does
not necessarily mean that you need to be hospitalized. But it does mean that
you need to be talking to someone and you need to be seeking help. And someone
needs to be checking in on you on a regular basis. Because left untreated these
thoughts can turn into much more dangerous things. Now, when you really need to
start worrying about someone is when they have a plan. So, if someone tells you
they are having suicidal thoughts ASK QUESTIONS. Ask them if they have a plan.
And if they have a plan find out if they have a means to carry out that plan.
If they have a plan, then they are a danger to themselves and need psychiatric
attention. If they have a means to carry out said plan, then they need
IMMEDIATE help! And for the love of God, DO NOT LEAVE THEM ALONE! And just
talking to them and praying for them is not enough. I’m sorry but it isn’t. God
is awesome and has the power to do miraculous things, but DON’T YOU DARE LEAVE
good, but God gave us brains and common sense…don’t give that person even the
slightest chance to end their life. All of God’s children are precious and if
you leave a suicidal person with a plan and a means to carry out that plan
alone then you are playing with fire.
A lot of people think that asking questions about suicide is
going to make the person even more suicidal. This is not true. Asking questions
and getting them to talk to you about what is going on can be very helpful to
the person. And often times, them opening up to you is a cry for help. Please
don’t turn a deaf ear to their cries.
If you feel like they need to go to the emergency room and
they put up resistance, then call 911 and tell them what is going on. This
person may hate you at first but you could be saving their life in the long
run. My first hospitalization was pretty horrifying to me. I didn’t know what
to expect and I cried the entire time. I cried on the way to the emergency
room, while I sat in the emergency room, to the exam room, to the back of the
Sherriff’s car, to the psychiatric hospital, and all through the night. The
entire time I couldn’t believe what was going on. But in hindsight it was that
hospital visit that put me in position to find a psychiatrist when I got back
home after being kicked out of school. If I had never been hospitalized and put
on medication, then I never would have needed medication management and I would
have never met the best psychiatrist in the world. And she has been with me
from the beginning and she hasn’t given up on finding the right meds to give me
the life that I want to live.
So you see, it may seem harsh to tell someone they need to
go to the hospital and yes they may hate you, but it’s for their own good. I
mean, how would you feel if you didn’t take any action, or you didn’t take the
correct action, or you didn’t take them seriously enough and they did end up committing
suicide? Just consider that for a moment. I know personally that, that would destroy
me and I would never be the same if that happened. So below I’ve listed some
signs of suicide and a number to call if you or someone you know is thinking
about killing themselves. This is serious stuff guys.
Warning Signs of Suicide
If someone you know is showing one or more of
the following behaviors, he or she may be thinking about suicide. Don’t ignore
these warning signs. Get help immediately.
· Talking about wanting to die or to kill oneself
· Looking for a way to kill oneself
· Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live
· Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain
· Talking about being a burden to others
· Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs
· Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly
· Sleeping too little or too much
· Withdrawing or feeling isolated
· Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge
· Displaying extreme mood swings
Get Help
If you or someone you know needs help, call the
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1.800.273.TALK (8255). Trained crisis
workers are available to talk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you think someone is in immediate danger, do
not leave him or her alone—stay there and call 911.
(This was taken from www.mentalhealth.gov)
(This was taken from www.mentalhealth.gov)
Love, Randi
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