
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.”
-Maya Angelou

"I write only because there is a voice within me that will not be still."
-Sylvia Plath

"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world."
-Robin Williams


Another door closed, another door opened.
And once again I find that my frustration with the unexpected is potent.
I must admit that when it happened I took a dive,
I forgot that life’s disappointments can be a blessing in disguise.
My heart broke when life didn’t go as expected,
The faithfulness of God, my mind totally neglected.
But now I’m starting to see I overreacted,
The games my mind can play caused me to be distracted.
I was distracted from the reality that God is always there,
I was distracted from the truth that God really does care.
And I must admit I have learned a lesson.
But as usual, growing in this way was particularly unpleasant
Because growing is always kind of painful,
And my path to this point has been everything but graceful.
But now I have arrived at the truth of the matter,
That God is the beginning, end, friend and master.
That He has my life all mapped out,
 He has the guide, and is pushing me to follow His route.
And now that I have started along His path,
I’m excited that my expectations, He will surpass.
So I stand on the brink of a new beginning,
And I face my future, face lit up and grinning.


Life is full of disappointments,
And everyday we have to face so many opponents.
So what do you do when your faced with adversity?
Do you get all worked up and focused on the absurdity?
Because I know what tendencies I go to,
I get wound up and forget to see the situation though You.
But as much as I know Your in control,
The truth is I get frustrated and forget Your role.
So right now as I write this I just don't understand.
I can't see the reality that my life is in Your hand.
So right now I feel that rising panic.
Right now I sit here worried and becoming more frantic.
Right now my heart is pounding in my chest,
And I'm trying so hard to dwell in Your rest.
But I must admit, this is really hard.
I must admit that I'm having trouble with You, God.
I can't help but feel a little angry.
I can't help but feel a little cranky.
I need You to know that my heart is breaking,
And the reality is my joy this is taking.
So to be honest I'm feeling a little mad.
The fact that I'm in this situation is truly bad.
And I'm screaming inside of my head,
And my broken heart is scattered everywhere I tread.
So I'm asking You to please be patient,
And the last thing I am right now is truly complacent.
So I'm asking that Your blessings will be released,
And I'm asking that You help me find Your peace.

Finding Hope

The thought of writing about this has been going through my head for a while now. Here I am this afternoon trying to read a good book and this is all I can think about. So I believe that God wants me to tell you guys this story. First let me say I feel that I am taking a great risk sharing this with you all...some people may judge me, other may regard me as fragile and attempt to treat me like glass. Let me assure you I am not made of glass…I am tougher than I look. So with that said…here I go.
When I first started having symptoms of bipolar disorder it was a crazy time in my life. I knew something was wrong but I didn’t really know what was wrong or who to turn to. I began to spiral down deep into depression until I became very suicidal. I was sitting in my room one day and I took out my bottle of migraine medication and counted the pills…I wanted to make sure there were enough in the bottle to kill me. I don’t remember how many were in the bottle now, but I do remember that I was pretty sure that it was enough.
Well I realized that it was time to go to work and that if I took them all right then I wouldn’t have time to die before someone realized I was missing, so I went to work. I took the bottle of pills with me though. I got to work and I realized that I was really going to do it…I was going to swallow all of those pills and kill myself, or so I hoped. And for a brief moment I got scared, I got scared that I was really going to do it, that these were my last few hours of misery and that I would never again experience the joy that can come with life. So in my brief period of fear I emailed my school counselor. It was around 4 in the afternoon and I figured she would be in a session and wouldn’t get it until I had already done it, but I emailed her anyways. Well after I had emailed her I began to panic. My thoughts were racing. I was afraid that she would get it and that she would stop me, and I didn’t want to be stopped. My moment of fear had passed and back was my determination to kill myself.
I told my coworker that I was going upstairs to work and I took the elevator and hid in a closet up there. I sat down in the closet and took out those pills and the bottle of water I had bought on my way to work. I looked at them and I knew it was now or never and I knew that I couldn’t stand this suffering anymore. I felt with every fiber of my being that this was the only way to end my suffering.
About that time my phone began to vibrate. I pulled it out saw it was my counselor. I felt panic…she had gotten my email, she wasn’t in a session, she had gotten that damned email! I ignored her call. Then she called again and I ignored it again. She didn’t call a third time, so I went back to building myself up to the moment of swallowing those pills. I don’t know how long I sat there but my friends started texting me. One was asking me if I was ok, the other asked me where I was at. I told the one that was asking me if I was ok that I was fine and I told the other one I was at work. After that I went back to the pills. I rotated them in my hand sitting there on the floor of that closet in the upstairs of the school’s library, listening to them rattle in the bottle. I knew I had to build myself up to the moment of swallowing them all, and I was trying my best to get there quickly.
Then someone was calling my name. For some God forsaken reason I panicked. Not because I thought I had been discovered, but because I thought that if I was found hiding in a closet that I would get fired from my job for not working. Well this was of course the most ridiculous thought that had occurred to me all afternoon. Feel free to laugh at me here, I know I do. Why in the world would I be worried about losing my job if I was going to kill myself? This was truly an idiotic thought. So in my fear I waited until I didn’t hear my name anymore and I walked around the back way and snuck down the back stairs down to the bottom floor of the library and was just going to walk around and pretend like I had been there the entire time. I didn’t expect what I found.
I found my supervisor and my counselor franticly looking for me both with worried looks on their faces. My supervisor saw me first and said there she is, and then I came around the corner and saw my counselor and I immediately became afraid again. I had been caught and would not be carrying out my plan. She spoke to me briefly in my supervisor’s office and then talked me into walking across campus to her office to speak with me. I gathered my things from my hiding place and told my supervisor that I would be back soon. Boy was I wrong about that last statement.
I sat in her office not making eye contact; I was very anxious and basically refused to say much of anything. She was not too pleased with me herself. She had apparently went to my dorm room looking me when I didn’t answer my phone and then proceeded to call my friends when I wasn’t in my dorm room to see if they knew where I was. She had informed me she had notified the counseling director of the situation and that he would be there shortly.
To make a long story short they ended up hauling my butt to the emergency room to be assessed. I was going from being depressed and suicidal, to being depressed, suicidal, pissed off, humiliated, and a little homicidal toward all of these people. I was mortified. I cried in the waiting room. I cried through all of those stupid questions that they ask you, I cried when they took my blood, I cried when they called my parents, I cried when they told me I was being involuntarily committed, and then I cried at little more. I was hysterical. My day had gone from horrible to indescribable misery.
I waited for what seemed like an eternity to be transported to a facility that was about an hour away. I calmed down a little bit while I was waiting and actually managed to carry on some semblance of a conversation with my counselor and the director.
Then they told me my transportation was here. It was a Sherriff’s car! I was to be transported an hour away in the back of a cop car! What they hell! I started crying again. I felt as though I was being treated as nothing more than a lowly criminal, and in a lot of ways I was being treated as such, minus the handcuffs (THANK GOD).
I cried the entire way. The cop driving was very nice and tried to reassure me that everything was going to be ok and his brother who was accompanying him was a minister and wanted to know where I went to school and where I went to church and all those sort of things. It took awhile but their efforts to calm me down did eventually have some success…I still cried on and off for that hour of a trip but I did manage to talk to them a little bit through my tears.
Once we got to the place I was ushered in a side door where the sheriff handed off an envelope to a nurse and the left me with her.
The building was a newer building, I could tell by its design and it had a funny smell about it. It smelled like some high grade disinfectant. We walked down a long hallway were she punched some code into a door and the lead me inside. The tears were back now. I felt like I was in some sort of prison, I knew that I was trapped behind those doors. I was terrified because I had no idea what was going to happen next. They took my picture for their files and then lead me into a room and informed me that I had to take off my clothes to be searched. What the hell!? Now I really did feel like a criminal! I cried and cried and cried that night but I did everything they told me to do. They couldn’t give me back my clothes yet until they were thoroughly searched, so they gave me a sort of hospital gown to wait in. I demanded the use of a phone, I knew I needed to call mom and dad and let them know I was ok. I spoke to them briefly and tried to hide the fact that I was on the verge of hysterics. I attempted to reassure them that I was ok. They wanted to come down there, but I begged them not to and told them that there was nothing to gain from them coming down there.
After I got off the phone with my parents a nurse showed me to my room were this lady, who was my roommate, was asleep in the other bed and the nurse told me I could wait there. It was after midnight by this time and I was exhausted but there was no way in heaven or hell that I was going to be able to sleep, and I didn’t want to wake up my roommate. So I went back to what she had called the day room and proceeded to sit in a chair, rock back and forth and cry. I remember sitting there in tears asking God why? Why was I here? What had I done to deserve this? Why couldn’t he just take away my pain? What hadn’t He have just let me kill myself? I asked all of my why questions and then fell silent and went back to crying. But over the sound of my tears I remember hearing God gently whisper in my ear that He was there. I do not know how long I sat there crying, but the nurses left me alone. I eventually got back up when they were done searching my clothes (they had removed all the strings from my hoodies, pajama pants, and sneakers which left me feeling like even more of a criminal) and I went and changed my clothes and attempted to try and sleep.
I woke up early the next morning and my roommate was nowhere to be seen. So I went into the day room and smelled coffee. That was the best smell that I had smelled in the past however many hours it had been since that library closet. I poured myself a cup and while I did the other people in the day room informed me that I had missed the first pot of coffee, and that the first pot was the only caffeinated coffee they made the entire day, so if I wanted the caffeine then I would have to get up earlier. This was just yet another reason for me to feel like I was in a prison. So I nodded to them, and sat down at a table by myself.
Well these people were curious about me and had no intention of letting me have my cup of coffee alone and they gathered around and begin to ask me questions? They wanted to know my name, why I was there, where was I from, was I in school, where was I in school, what did I study in school, was I a Christian and a number of other questions that I don’t remember. The woman that was closest to me was my roommate and told me that she was in there for substance abuse, as where most of the other people there. The few people that were there for suicidal reasons were also there for substance abuse reasons along with the suicidal reasons. They informed me that the unit I was on was called the Substance Abuse and Mood Disorder Unit. I tried to take it all in but it was just too much without my morning caffeinated coffee. Basically I was still in shock.
I learned quickly that there really wasn’t any such thing as down time. There was a morning session, then breakfast, then group session, then a little down time and during this downtime you were expected to be working on things that had been assigned to you during group, then lunch, then an afternoon group session, then an art session, then dinner, then an evening session and then a group activity before bedtime. It was a busy day but a lot happened in that day.
Word got around that I was a student who studied Communication and was a Psychology minor. Word also got around that I attended a small private Christian college an hour away and that I was a Christian. Another thing that got around was that I made good grades (my roommate had asked me how my grades were and I told her that I had made all A’s the previous semester). So in every group session someone had something to say about me. These people that I didn’t know where talking about how smart I was and that I was a Christian. A lot of these people were going through withdraws and had massive headaches. I showed my roommate where a pressure point is in your hand that can briefly relieve headache pain, and several of the other patients came to me so that I could show them were that pressure point  was on their hand too. They had questions about my beliefs in God, and I answered them to the best of my ability. People wanted to share their stories too, all kinds of stories. A young man came in that day that was the only person there even remotely close to my age and wanted to know about me, so I told him and he shared his story with me. He was there for substance abuse problems. He seemed glued to my side and told me at one time that he like that I was a very positive person. My roommate was doing a sort of Bible study and wanted to talk to me about what I thought of certain scriptures. I spoke with her about my view and she said things like “I had never thought if it that way,” and “that makes sense now.” That night before bed my she was telling me about how horrible of a time she had been having with trying to sleep, she asked me if I would pray with her for a good night’s rest. I said sure and I held her hands and prayed with her.
Somewhere along that journey my life changed forever. I realized the power I had to speak into people’s lives. These people who were so much older than me seemed to want to gather around me and hear what I had to say. They seemed to really value my thoughts and opinions. And I grew to care for them. When I saw them hurting I asked if there was anything I could do. I became an ear for them to speak to. And I realized that in the 24 hours I was there that I would never be happy working in the Communication field.
I had always had an interest in psychology, in fact I had wanted to go into that field when I left high school, but I decided to go into communication because my parents had told me that I would not be allowed to be a student for life, so I took that to mean that they didn’t want me to go past a bachelors degree. So I chose something that I thought would be easy that I could make a living in. But those 24 hours changed my life. I found hope in that place. Sure my journey there was from hell, but being there and being with those people and seeing how even though I was suffering and going through my own pain I still had the ability to reach out and help someone else. That was what gave me the courage to change my major and chase after my dream of becoming a therapist.
I wish I could say that that was the end of my suffering and that I made a radical recovery and my life became whole again, but that would be a lie. In fact that was just the beginning of my journey through mental illness. But I did gain a lot from that experience. As much as I suffered and hated being there, I became a better person through that journey.
But my main purpose in writing this is to show you guys that God can use you even in your darkest hour. I have been through a lot since the onset of bipolar disorder but in a way I am finding myself through the pain. I found courage to change my major, I discovered the power I have to reach out to people, I found God’s voice in the middle of my crisis and I found that in my weakness God is made strong.
So do not give up in your pain my friends. Keep pushing forward. You never know what God has in store for you. If I can make it through my journey, so can you. We will never be given more than we can handle. There is going to be good, there is going to be bad and there is going to be ugly in life. It is what you choose to do with the hand you are dealt that can truly make the difference. And even though you may feel like you are in your darkest hour something beautiful can come out of it if you let God in.
And just in case you were wondering, my roommate said that that was the best night of sleep she could remember having in a long time. I love you all,

Love, Randi

Thank you mom and dad, I know that, that particular part of my life was hard on you guys, and I could not have asked for better support during that time. Thank you Katie, Sarah, and Christina for being there for me. Thanks Dolan for helping me have the courage to share (the heart of a lioness I do believe you said). And thank you Cindy and Sean, in a lot of ways I owe you both my life.


Maybe my expectations are a little high.
Maybe it’s a mistake to shoot for the stars and hope you fly.
What do you think?
Do you believe that a yearning for high places should be extinct?
Do you think that longing for the best is not the way you should be?
Maybe that’s true, but I try to think of all the good that can exist; it's called possibility.
You see…I try and expect the best out of people.
I expect people’s attempts not to be feeble.
If you want to win me over you have to try your best,
But some people think that this way of thinking should be put to rest.
I know that sometimes we are forced to settle,
And I am coming to realize that high hopes are making me sort of a rebel.
But is being a rebel all that bad?
Is choosing improvement over the mundane really a drag?
So go on , I know you want to tell me what you think, so don’t hold back your truth,
Tell me why you believe my way of thinking is truly obtuse.
But to be honest, your opinion doesn’t really matter.
All of your negativity isn’t anything but a bunch of clatter.
So maybe my way of thinking is truly insane,
But positivity is where I am choosing to remain.

Road Rage

So there is a problem that I think a lot of us have,
And the fact that it exists within us all to an extent is really sad.
It's a problem that can overtake us all in a flash.
It's a problem that can literally cause us to crash.
It happens when we get behind the wheel,
And the way we respond to it can really reveal,
Reveal how we handle all kinds of situations.
And when we handle it badly it can leave a nasty fragrance.
So what do you do when that jerk cuts you off?
Do you grab the wheel and get ready to show him who's boss?
I wish I could say I take the high road,
But the truth is I'm more likely to scream and explode.
I have a tendency to show him he's number one,
Hand in the air telling him he's one ugly son.
I know I need to try and get a better grip,
But for some reason those crazy people just cause me to slip.
So every time I get in my car I have a war to wage.
And I ask God to help me get a better grip on my road rage.

Living with a Mental Illness

Living with a mental illness is difficult. Just like any other illness it has its difficulties but for some reason there is a stigma attached to having this particular kind of illness. I study psychology at North Carolina Wesleyan College right now and plan on going onto graduate school to study social work in the future. I graduate in December of this year and getting to this point has been one hell of a ride. My passion for breaking the stigma that Christians have placed on mental illness doesn’t just have to do only with my studies and career goals, it also has a lot to do with me and my own journey through life.
I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in July of 2010. The onset of the illness however, was almost 9 months before the actual diagnosis. At first it wasn’t too obvious that something was wrong. I got really depressed about October of 2009, which coincided with my dad’s return to Christ. God has a mysterious way of moving sometimes. My dad was making a radical change in who he was and I was getting ready to undergo one of the most difficult times of my life. There is no doubt in my mind that God had everything to do with the timing. But the initial depression and other things going on in my life at the time caused me to seek help through the school counseling center. Things didn’t get better; in fact they just kept getting worse. I continued to fall deeper and deeper into depression. I kept it to myself mostly. I went through the motions of life afraid to tell anyone just how much pain I was in because I feared the stigma. I didn’t want lectures about how I needed more of God. I didn’t want people telling me not to get all caught up in therapy and medication because they believed that those things couldn’t really help you.  I didn’t need any of these things. I needed support. And I did find some support. My family and friends are amazing. Even though they didn’t know exactly what was going on with me at the time, they knew me well enough to know something was off. And instead of pestering me about it they just prayed, which is awesome.
I went back to school after Christmas break and things didn’t improve I was still depressed and it didn’t seem that anything was ever going to change. Then something amazing happened. I thought God had intervened and that a miracle had taken place! I felt amazing! I was on top of the world. I went about the campus doing everything. I was so happy. I all but quit sleeping because I had endless energy and I was so happy. I was relieved that the depression had gone away. I was also getting a little “too” happy if you know what I mean. I wrote papers that weren’t due for three weeks in the middle of the night. I rearranged the furniture in my dorm room at three in the morning. I ran around campus acting like a fool. I was so happy. I spent almost all of my school refund money and didn’t think twice about it. This lasted for about a week and then the depression was back and with a vengeance. I crashed hard and I stayed there for the next 6 months. I ended up coming home from school to be with my family because I wasn’t stable enough to remain at school. I wanted to kill myself so badly. I contemplated suicide on a regular basis for the next 6 months. I had started seeing a psychiatrist and she was doing her best to find a medication that would bring me out of that horrible depression. We tried countless medications and nothing seemed to work. My friends, my family, my doctor and I were all at a complete loss as to what to do. We were all crying out to God for wisdom on the situation. All the time keeping the fact that mental illness had snuck into our family a secret. Not telling people at church and not telling most of our family about what was going on in my life. My family and I both feared the stigma that comes with mental illness.
Then in July of 2010 I became manic again for the second time in my life. I drove around in my car like a maniac, no regard for speed limit or the safety of myself or anyone else on the road. I had endless energy and stayed up to all hours of the night. I almost completely quit sleeping again. One night I was driving home and saw sprinklers on at a church so I turned around parked my car and proceeded to run screaming, yelling and laughing through the sprinklers. I talked so fast it was like someone had pressed the fast forward button on me and I couldn’t sit still for the life of me. I went to my psychiatrist that week and very excitedly told her how well I was doing and what all I had been up to for the past couple of days. Well she figured it out then. She figured out I had bipolar disorder. That day was both a blessing and a curse. It was a blessing because then we could start trying a new treatment route and get my moods more stable. But it was also a curse because I knew that it was a life sentence. I knew then and I know now that without a divine miracle from God I will have to live with this illness for the rest of my life.
I cried when I left my doctor’s office that day. I had known in the back of my head that what was wrong with me probably wasn’t like a cold that would just go away with time. But now it was reality. It was something real that was going to be a hard journey. Bipolar wasn’t just a word that I read in a book anymore. It was something I was going to have to learn to manage in my life.
The next few years were hard. We were still having trouble finding the right treatment path. I would go for months in a debilitating depression. I wanted to die when I was in that kind of pain. I wanted so badly to end my life. The illness was taking away my life, slowly but surely, and I knew that it was only a matter of time before it won. But I didn’t give up. I prayed. My family prayed. My friends prayed. But we still didn’t turn to our church or the rest of our family for their prayers. We kept it quiet; after all we didn’t want everyone knowing that mental illness had invaded our lives. Neither my family nor I wanted that label.
Things are much better now. I have a great support system. I have a great team of professionals on my side and I have a family that loves me and goes out of their way to support me. I also have friends that care very deeply for me. My family and friends went above and beyond the call of duty. They not only pray for me on a regular basis but they educated themselves on the disorder so that they could be aware of the warning signs and help me manage the illness better. They ask me questions when they get suspicious of a mood change that could be a danger sign. But we still keep it quiet. We don’t want that label.
But I am writing this today because I am breaking down that stigma. I don’t want you to treat me different because you now know that I have a mental illness. In fact I want those of you that know me to really think about who I am as a person. I am intelligent, funny, and passionate about God and life. I am so much more than bipolar disorder. I have a mental illness but I am not mentally ill. Bipolar disorder does not define who I am. I am defined by who God says I am.
I want my readers to know that this is a part of my journey. I have to manage my illness, just as someone who is diabetic has to manage their illness. But just because I have to manage this doesn’t mean I should be treated as lesser of a person. In fact I believe that those who suffer from any illness but still have a smile on their face and still face each day ready to go and trusting in God should be treated with even more respect and admiration than the average person, me included.
We have to stop treating people with mental illnesses like they are some kind of social piranha. These are people just like you. They need prayer just as much as you do. They should be able to stand up in front of their family, friends and church and tell them that they have a mental illness and receive just as much respect, compassion, empathy, understanding, and prayer as someone who stands up and says they have cancer. And while you pray with them for a miracle you need to encourage them to seek help and follow their doctor's and therapist's treatment plan.
It’s time for churches to rise up and really represent Christ. I am sick and tired of people being judgmental just because they do not understand something that someone else is going through. If someone comes to you and asks for your prayer and support because they are suffering through a mental illness then pray for them just like you would for anyone else with any other illness. And go a step further if you really care for this person; educate yourself on what they are going through. Then you would be even more equipped to pray and support them.
Rise up my fellow Christians! Rise up and be the Christ follower that God has called us all to be. We are not to stand idle while people are suffering around us. Rise up and do as God has called us to do!

Thanks mom, dad and Drew. You guys are always there for me and always praying for me and it means a lot to me. Thank you Krystal and Jennifer you have both always been there for me through thick and thin even when we were miles away from one another. And thank you Dolan and Lynn for being on my team. I care for you both so much, probably more than you will ever know. 


Sometimes we are handed a deal we don’t really want.
We have to decide what to do with what’s truly relevant.
Because hanging onto to pain really doesn’t get us anywhere.
And harboring hate is dangerous, so beware.
It doesn’t get us anywhere when we hang onto the past.
When we hold onto the former we can’t move on with the next task.
Because focusing on what we could have done different doesn’t give us any gain,
Focusing on the would’ve, could’ve, should’ve will just leave us in pain.
So I beg of you all please just look to the future,
And don’t let the bad thoughts become a tumor.
You are so much better than what you give yourself credit for,
And there is so much to gain on the other side of this storm.
So please don’t beat yourself up anymore,
And know that God has the power to restore,
Restore everything that the enemy meant for bad,
And His plans for your future are most certainly ironclad.
What the enemy has used to try and destroy,
God will use to bring unspeakable joy.
So look forward and know that the future is bright,
Know that victory is always yours, even during the fight.
So be proud of how far you have come,
And know that the victory of your life has already begun.


Sometimes my rage is so massive.
Other times my attitude is so passive.
Sometimes I know I get too frustrated and hot.
So I’m looking around in life, trying to find that sweet spot,
That place where people don’t walk all over me,
A place where people can stand back and really see,
See a person that is assertive above all other things,
A person that stands strong and faces the storm that life brings.
I have to find that place where my words are emphatic,
And never spoken with an abundance of static,
Cause I’m trying to find the right measure of poise,
A place where I have control over the noise.
Cause right now I know I swing between the two,
A place of anger where there is no correct hue,
And a place of being so inactive that I make no advances.
So now I need to learn to take a few chances,
Hold on tight, take a deep breath and leap,
Leap for a new place that can almost seem too steep.
Cause I know there is a happy medium,
A place where there is no delirium.
Because we all need to learn to be assertive,
And lead a life where we boldly face the aversive.
I have to find that place where in the face of abuse there is no silence.
And I know there is a place where I can find some balance.

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