During therapy the other day we got to discussing how one
talks to one’s self. It basically came around to how I am my own worst critic.
I am always putting myself down and thinking I can never do things. Some of it
is my own creative thinking telling me these things, and some of it, are the
voices of others from my life telling me their doubts in my capabilities, and
the mean things that they have said to me over the course of my life. And it
doesn’t help that when I am psychotic and hearing voices, they tend to tell me
some of the worst things that people have ever said about me…including things I’ve
said about me and sometimes the voices get creative and tell me insults I’ve
never even thought of before.
So, after we talked a little while about how I am my own
worst critic we talked a little bit about how I think about these negative
thoughts. And my therapist had kind of a challenge for me…a kind of new
approach to my negative thinking that I think I’m gonna try. He said instead of
getting caught up in whether or not these thoughts are true or not why don’t
you ask yourself is this thought helpful? I thought that this is a strange way to
look at it. But really it’s not. He said that if you decide that this thought
that you’ve had isn’t helpful then you label it as unhelpful and then you move
on. Now that doesn’t mean that you won’t think of it again, but that does mean
that when it pops back into your head you go, “Oh there’s that unhelpful
thought again…I can just put that away and move on to a more helpful thought.” Now,
I know that’s easier said than done and it’s gonna take some practice, but I’m
willing to give it a shot.
You see I think I get caught up too much in trying to
convince myself whether or not a thought I have is true or false. And by
labeling something helpful or unhelpful and can save myself some time and
effort. Now, like I said, I know this way of thinking is gonna take some practice,
but I think that it might actually help me not be so controlled by so many
negative thoughts that I have. By simple labeling a thought as helpful or
unhelpful, I can push it aside and move forward with whatever I’m doing.
So, I think I’m gonna give it a shot. It’s not gonna be
easy. I got 29 years of doing it the old way…you know trying to figure out if
something is true or false. But I’m thinking this knew way of thinking might be
better. Wish me luck guys,
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