We were talking in class tonight about how we have to know
who we are as a professional when we start our career as counselors. We
discussed how it is during our education that we will begin to develop this.
Well this got me thinking about who I am as a person. Do I really know me? Do I
know what I stand for and what I value? Who is Randi as a person? Because I
think that if I’m going to know who I am as a professional counselor I have to
know who I am as a person first. So I am coming up with a list. This is just
the beginning. I know that the list will grow as I grow. Because growing never
stops. The day you quit growing is the day your heart stops beating…the day you
draw your last breath. So this is the beginning:
I am a daughter of God. First and foremost I will serve God.
Where He leads, I will follow. I will stand firmly in His presence and I will
never stop looking to Him. I will never stop trying to get closer to Him. I may
not come in the “normal” Christian packaging, but it is to God that I answer
and it is His voice that I listen to. I may curse. I may have tattoos. I may
listen to “secular” music. I may get a little road rage and give someone
on the highway the finger. But I love God more than anything and I willingly
give my life to Him every day.
Secondly, I am a future counselor. God called me to minister
to His broken hearted, rejected, beaten, forgotten, mentally ill and lonely children. He
called me to do this through becoming a professional counselor. No matter how
hard it gets I will not give up. God has given me an open heart. I am able to
sit alongside of people who are in direct conflict with my values and beliefs
and love on them without judgment. I have a wise mind. I love to learn and look
at every interaction as an opportunity to learn something new and because of
this I have a vast knowledge of many situations that other people my age know nothing of. But I don’t know enough…and I want to know more…so I am always
looking for ways to learn. I am creative. I don’t mind trying new things if
there is research to prove that it is a viable option. I am a leader…whether I
like it or not. People look to me for answers and sometimes I don’t know them...but
sometimes not knowing is the best thing for someone. I stand for equality in
society. I stand for justice for the wounded and downtrodden. Above all I stand for the love of
Christ, who gave His life for us! He reigns above it all and I stand for His
values and morals! But I know God called me to do be a counselor, and I will
push toward this goal with everything inside of me.
Next, I am a writer. This one is new to me, but it is
something that I have come to accept. I believe that one day God will call me
to write a book of some sort. I do not know what that will be, but for now I am
focused on my education and this blog. I stand for freedom of expression and I
will never quit writing. I think back to times in my life and I believe that
writing truly saved my life. I think back to last summer when I started this
blog and how big a step it was to publish things that were so personal to me.
And there are times were I still am shocked that I share some of the things I
share. But I know that I am doing God’s work.
These things are just a few of the things that define who I am at this time in my life. I am sure that the list will grow and change as time passes, but for now this is it.
So who are you? What defines you as a person? What do you stand for? Do you know?
If not, you should really think about, because if we don’t know who we are and
what we stand for, how will we be able to make decisions about the important things
in life? One thing is for sure, you are a child of The Most High King!
Love, Randi
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