My sleep schedule is so jacked up. I’m up into the wee hours
of the night and then I’m sleeping until the afternoon...this isn’t good. With
mental illness sleep is very important. You have to do your best to go to bed
at the same time every night and rise in the morning at the same time. I suck
at this. I’m not very consistent when it comes to my sleep. Honestly I’m all
over the place, but part of it isn’t my fault right now. I have been guilty of
messing myself up in the past, but this time a new medication and my insurance
company screwed me over.
I started a new med a few weeks ago. When you first start
taking it, it makes you extremely drowsy, but it goes away after a few weeks.
My doctor told me to take it at least 12 hours before I need to get up…I didn’t
do this the first night…I underestimated the power of that medication. I woke
up the next morning around 8 and I was like, nope…this isn’t happening. I had
never been so relaxed/drowsy in my life. Everything felt heavy…everything felt
like sleep. Needless to say…I was out of it.
So that med messed me up for a little while, but I’m better
now. But now my insurance company has screwed me over. I got that stupid
Obamacare crap and Blue Cross and Blue Shield is dragging their butt to get
me coverage. I was supposed to have all my stuff ready as of May 1st…but
I have nothing. They haven’t even withdrawn the money for the premium yet…I’m
getting pissed. I have blood work that I need to get done, but I can’t because
I have no insurance information. And what has really got me messed up is that I
have ran out of my sleeping medication…which means I am not sleeping through
the night…which means it takes twice as long for me to sleep enough to feel
like I have slept enough. This is getting ridiculous.
So I told you all of that to say this. Sometimes our
circumstances screw us over. Sometimes we underestimate the power of things in our lives. Sometimes we plan and plan and things still go
wrong. I’m getting ready to move to Raleigh (hopefully) within the next month
or so and I made the remark about how I had no idea what was going to happen.
You see, I have an idea of where I want to move and everything, but apparently
I plan and God snorts and rolls His eyes…that’s exactly what I said, and I mean
Sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t plan anything at all,
because it seems that the harder I plan something the more God changes where I’m
heading. I thought I was going to NC State to get my master in social work…nope,
instead I’m in a cohort of people getting our masters in clinical mental health
counseling through Montreat College. Like I said, I plan and God snorts and
rolls His eyes.
So what do you do when things don’t go as you have planned?
Sometimes you need a mourning period for the plan that you had set in front of
you. I know I did when it came to the schooling situation. Sometimes we need to
reevaluate…when one door closes we need to start looking for the door that God
cracked open for us…and it may not be easy.
So my sleep schedule is jacked up. So I’ve ran out of
sleeping pills. So I can’t get my blood work done. So I’m not going to State or
ECU. So I may or may not get to live where I want in Raleigh. But I’m dealing
with it all as it comes. I’m being patient with myself…so what if I have to
sleep a lot to make up for the fact that I’m not getting good quality sleep
without my meds. So what if I have to wait for freaking ever for the insurance
company to get their ducks in a row. I’m gonna hold on tight for this ride and
keep pushing forward and so should you. My point here is that we plan, and God snorts and rolls
His eyes,
Love, Randi
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