My heart aches from the pain of this day.
Decisions were made and there is always a price to pay.
I had to face the fact that I was being treated like a dog.
So I sought wise counsel and talked to God,
And I heard Him tell me that I deserve better,
And I heard Him tell me to let Him be my shepherd.
To let Him lead me down the path the that He made,
To not let my broken heart dissuade,
Dissuade from the life He wants me to have,
And not let the pain rob me of my laugh.
Because to Him, when I smile the room lights up,
And to see me so hurt makes Him mad at the corrupt.
The truth is these people don’t make me a better person,
And with these people my passion for Christ seems to worsen.
So I cut these people out of my life,
And right now my heart is breaking and full of strife.
Cause I care so much about their hearts,
But they aren’t my responsibility, I can’t light that spark.
The spark that sets a person on fire for the things of
It’s a fire that burns in every area of my life.
But even though my heart is heavy I still have peace.
The moment the decision was made I felt that release.
The release you get when you line up with Him.
And I have already forgiven them for their sin.
But even in this peace I’m taking time to mourn.
I mourn so that tomorrow new things can be born.
So I look forward to tomorrow and what God has planned,
And even though I’m hurting tonight in this truth I will stand.
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